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About me: My zone is: 8
GardenWeb Member: 2007-02-02
Commented: A different angle Sarahl, I hear you. Bio-parents have the responsibility to help the kids to accept their new step-parents, and to define their new spouse's role in the family, and they also have the responsibility to...
in Stepfamilies  
Commented: Stepchildren's Bill of Rights In my opinion, both 'Rights' are equally important to maintain the harmony in a family, just like our Rights in the society. If anybody starts to take another person's rights away by doing the wrong t...
in Stepfamilies  
Commented: What to do about the cruelness of your boyfriends child's mother I think Abby's mom is afraid of losing her position and therefore manipulating Abby to treat you differently. She might even have the postpartum depression thing going on, and therefore feeling insecu...
in Stepfamilies