andyinnyc's photo
About me: My zone is: 6/NJ
GardenWeb Member: andyinnyc - January 15, 2004
Commented: Aeroponics at home I start figs from cuttings. I built a cloner using parts from Amazon and a tote and PVC from Lowes. I built a large one as space in the basement is not at a premium. I could have easily incre...
in Vegetable Gardening  
Commented: Self pollinating apples? if you have room for one apple tree only, you might also think about a multi-graft. Dave Wilson (through retailers like Bay Laurel or groworganic) sells multi-graft apples (for example: Multi graft a...
in Fruit & Orchards  
Commented: Has Anybody Ordered from Peaceful Valley? I think there are a few pros and cons to bare root v in a pot. 1. Bare root trees are much cheaper to ship (duh!). More importantly (to me) is that you usually get to order exactly what you want (vari...
in Fruit & Orchards