adriennemb2's photo
About me: I am still learning...

My zone is: z3/4
GardenWeb Member: adriennemb - August 1, 2011
Commented: Why is this forum suddenly departing from landscaping issues? Yup, miss the good ole days too. No more discussions, just DIFM ( as Karin used to say). Still visit here occasionally just to see if anything new or interesting happens...
in Landscape Design  
Commented: Tips on designing with extra large pots Woody, I've had good luck leaving my biggest concrete urns outside over the winter as long as the soil and perennial plant material (usually junipers or sedums) is left in place. That way, I think a l...
in Landscape Design  
Commented: Pleasing planting combinations My favourite plantings have always been done by someone more creative than me. Just hope to meet him on good terms someday :)
in Landscape Design