111plisa su's photo

111plisa su

Commented: Is this rose rosette disease? I see RRD everywhere in Richmond VA, several big stores had all the roses infected in the parking lot and its been that way for years now. The landscapers just cut it short and probably use the same ...
in Roses  
Commented: Roses Unlimited Sale 2022 @berrypiez6b not at all, my entire backyard is a pot ghetto. I need to stop buying roses, but so far haven't. Amour de molene, does have stunning blooms but just a stingy bloomer and plant is not ver...
in Antique Roses  
Commented: Dee-Lish or Mademoiselle, which one do you like better? I have both, prefer SM. as deelish blooms look miserable in the heat. They both bloom well. SM does not last long. Roses that withstand 90+ temps, Zaide ( fantastic, prolific, healthy, vigorous), Be...
in Roses