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I personally like many different styles, colors, even quality of clothing, hats and scarves, shoes, among other things. For years I tried to fit myself into the minimum clothing concept, but it is just too much fun mixing and matching all my styles, colors and types of clothing. I love it! Great article!

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This article made me smile at the ironies of life. Until recently I've always had small reach-in closets that had to accommodate leisure and business outfits and accessories for work, in various sizes for weight fluctuations (skinny to chunky and back again constantly, sigh), gowns and cocktail dresses for a lot of very formal events, and clothing to accommodate four extremes of seasons. It hasn't been easy! I tried to manage it by only having enough hangers that would fit on the rod and then always giving away or throwing away something old to make room for something new. Even so, a lot of items were stored in suitcases until needed, but the suitcases also had to be stored in the closet!

Now I've just retired, live in year-round sunshine, and don't wear anything but swimsuits, shorts, tank tops and the occasional lightweight dress. So, guess what.....NOW I have a large, fitted walk-in closet attached to a large dressing room with a vanity and upholstered seating! Oh well, I enjoy looking at the gowns, high-heel shoes, and fancy purses which are finally display beautifully in all that space. But I gave away every piece of business attire except a black suit for funerals and a cream one for weddings. Thinking ahead, LOL.

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Aisha Abdul


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