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I noticed that someone else posted this previously, but I'll mention it again anyway. In California (at least where I am in SoCal), a room cannot be counted as a bedroom without a closet. My condo was a 2 bedroom plus den. Even though the previous owner used the den as a bedroom, they could not call it a 3 bedroom. A neighbor closed off one of the entryways to their den and created a closet. Suddenly their unit could be listed as having 3 bedrooms.

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I totally agree that the lack of a closet is not necessarily a bad thing. In the photo where the closet was transformed into a workspace with bench seating, I question whether bench seating at the "desk" would be comfortable if seated on it in front of the computer for long. Lack of a backrest would also not promote good posture. Office type chair instead. If a future buyer did want a closet, it would be a lot easier if the bench weren't there.

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Mikkelson Builders

Absolutely agree with the need for a mudroom or dumpzone. Our clients are so busy, with kids, work, sports, activities, that it just makes sense to have a space for each person to drop their backpacks, shoes, etc. (Also makes it easy to find them when looking!!). We encourage our clients to strongly consider adding a mudroom or dumpzone in all their new homes that we design and build for them.


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