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Joanne Palmisano Design

Joanne Palmisano Design

Interior Designers & Decorators

Bear Mountain Inn, Maine

What an amazing project! IT'S OFFICIAL: I've decided that I LOVE LOVE LOVE to re-design inns, bed & breakfasts, boutique size motels and hotels, vacation rentals and small resorts. Bringing these special places back to life brings me such joy! And the people I get to work with become dear friends. Big thank you to Brian and Julie Sullivan for reaching out to me only a week after they bought Bear Mountain Inn asking me to be their designer. They were excited and anxious to do the renovation and together we came up with a plan that would keep the charm but make it an inviting and refreshing place to stay. Photos by Molly & Victoria Co. Visit my blog, to see the before pictures of this amazing project.
Project Year: 2018