Nazmiyal Collection
4 Reviews
Nazmiyal Collection is the world’s source for antique rugs and vintage carpets.

Since 1980, Nazmiyal has been the New York antique rug dealer with the most extensive collection of carpets, and the most specialized and user friendly website. We have invested years of effort into making sure our inventory represents the most unique and special rugs of every origin, size, and style, to make it easy to find exactly what you’re looking for.

Our efforts and expertise are well known, which has made Nazmiyal a natural magnet that constantly attracts those looking to sell rugs. Even within the busy New York rug market, Nazmiyal provides a major point of focus for its clients, whether they are interior designers, antique rug dealers, or private retail customers. If you’re in the market for an Oriental carpet, New York is the place to be, and within the city itself, the place to be is Nazmiyal.

Business Name: Nazmiyal Collection
Address: 31 East 32nd Street, Floor 2, New York, NY 10016
Phone Number: (212) 545-8029
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Nazmiyal Collection Catalogs
Park Slope Ave House by Jayne Designs
4 photos
Snow + Charcoal: Winter Design Inspiration by Nazmiyal
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Inspiration Boards And Interiors
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Nazmiyal Fine and Decorative Rug Auction
5 photos