A Rococo to go ~ Hold the Drama...
11 years ago
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- 10 years ago
- 10 years agolast modified: 10 years ago
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A little drama
Comments (5)In Nashville, the homeless don't pandhandle. They sell newpapers called The Contributor. The paper requests a $1 donation. I'll give them change or I may give them a $5 or nothing. Depends on the day and how many people I've passed already. Once the ability to sell those papers came about, there are people selling them on every corner. I appreciate that they are selling something concrete, and have a chance for advancement. Instead, I wish we had a business that offered them a job inside instead of on the streets, I hate seeing them have to brave the weather constantly!, but it's better than change cups, the way it was before. Further, I assume police can arrest anyone who isn't selling papers, instead begging for change. I'm also glad it took people off the ramps from the interstate. That looked precarious. So I guess it gave the city the right to regulate our population. For their safety and dignity. Wonder what a good busines would be that entailed them being inside? I'd love to participate in that! We also have a mission for those who don't want to sell, but there are even some who refuse that (according to Ed who worked with the DownTown Partnership and saw these folks on an ongoing basis). I think the mission expects one to be at least trying to be sober, and their programs are Christian-based. If that's who funds it, I guess they get the say-so. It'd be different if it was a government run business. Anyway, there are multiple chances for help! if it is wanted. At least she didn't put coins in your husband's coffee! which is what I thought you were going to say. :) Here is a link that might be useful: Nashville's homeless paper...See MoreEaster Drama...
Comments (15)Justmetoo actually said it better than I could. I know & I have thought about how drama follows me & have wondered how that is. I LOVED the peace and quiet the entire week SD was gone... a boring life with no drama. I enjoyed the Easter party... even though I was surprised to see my son show up with DIL when he told me he was going out of town the day before. (Again, it felt like they are sneaking behind my back) I know it must be things I do that cause drama to follow me. If I had more time, I would figure it out... I may go back into counseling because I do agree with that. Just for the record.. no, I don't support them being together. I support them both having a relationship with their son ~ separately. They are horrible for each other and if they get together, I'm more likely to have DGS LONGER or forever. Their "marriage" happened because she broke up with him & he decided to "prove" his love for her by taking her in the middle of the night and marrying her. I got countless calls from him in the middle of the night to come get him, she threw him out at the beginning of the marriage. Then calls telling me not to come get him when I was in my car. Finally, after a couple of times, I told him he's married to her & work it out yourself when he called. She was hitting him. He did not want to leave. Within a couple of months, he told me she was pregnant and he had joined the Army. He came to see me one day after they had a fight. She called him repeatedly, telling him that she was going to abort DGS & he would do whatever she said. Just recently, he told me that she really wanted to abort their son but he insisted she continue the pregnancy. He says it was HER idea for him to join the military, not his. Then she used it against him and was angry that he "left" her. While she was pregnant, I took her to birthing classes... trying to be helpful & get along with her since she is going to be my DIL. The question came up, "what do you hope to get from the class?" and she answered, "get this out of me!" referring to the baby. She never rubbed her tummy & showed any excitement like most pregnant ladies and they moved into my house just before he was born because they were planning to move to Georgia. Her parents wanted nothing to do with it. He took her and DGS (just after he was born) to Georgia before he was deployed for 6 months. During that six months, there were several incidents of domestic violence, MP's arrested her & he was disciplined for her behavior. DGS was taken to the ER three times for "falling" when he wasn't even rolling over yet. They destroyed a moving truck when he moved her back just before his deployment (because the military kicked her off and banned her from the base). The truck's transmission was gone... I can only assume she grabbed the gear shift while he was driving. She used to have emotional outbursts over anything... and she has never been "loving" toward my son. They stayed with me for a week before he had to fly back to be deployed. We were going to look for housing for her. She beat him up (put nail marks across his face on one incident that he didn't report) but on Halloween, she got upset with him & started beating on him while he was driving. They had DGS in the car & witnesses called police. She was arrested. A few days later, she was out & they talked before he left. He insisted on her going to the airport so I agreed. After we dropped my son at the airport & returned to my house, where her car was... she told me to keep DGS so she can go look for a house on her own. I didn't see her for days. Weeks passed & I still had DGS so I found an apartment for her (because she said she couldn't take DGS until she had a place to take him) but even after she had the apartment, she left him with me. She had him a day or night here and there. On one of the night visits, she had brought home a guy & at some point during the night she left the apartment (either drunk or got drunk), rolled her car into a ditch and was arrested. She did not tell police she had a baby in her apartment with some guy she met. Fortunately, the guy called some of her friends to come stay with the baby so he could leave and I found out the next day that she was in jail & I went to get the baby. That's how I ended up with Guardianship. She has gotten better with DGS, the older he is but there is no real bond and she doesn't seem to mind the lack of bond. My son does. He wants a bond to exist but I believe it's his lack of maturity to think it's automatic... and doesn't seem to have a desire to put in any time toward it. But, DIL has so many problems... she has been in rehab so many times, she is bi polar, and she recently was diagnosed with an eating disorder.. which is why she had a meltdown over the cake pop. And the only thing I can say is that I made the cake pops because DGS asked me to and he loves them... and I didn't think it was fair for anyone to say no cake pop as they are being handed out to the rest of the kids. Would it kill him? no. Would he get over it? sure. But, the basket of candy he ate.. DIL unwrapped for him and sat with him as he ate didn't seem to bother her. It wasn't out of concern for his health... maybe a power struggle or an unrealistic fear because of her eating disorder and mental illness. Rational parents know a cake pop (not even two bites of cake) is going to cause a disease like diabetes. When she threw the fit, I did not respond to it... other parents seemed to ignore it & walk away. It wasn't given any energy and she ran to her car where my son followed to console her. The questions I posed were because I WANT to include them in events but I do not want to have her outbursts... jeez, one year she started crying hysterically when my son got a plate of food at Thanksgiving. She has mental issues & I get that, but I don't want to walk on eggshells when I plan an event. I got tired of SD causing drama with her grandma and the grief it cause me, so I don't have parties when SD is here anymore. No SD, no drama. With DIL, it's only events that are focused on DGS but those are events that also include kids he's in daycare with & their parents that I know. It's embarrassing. DIL may or may not have a meltdown at any given time over any given thing, which is why I backed off at the birthday party. I realize now that it was a mistake but it was also the first thing she's been to for him. I let lots go & roll off my back to keep the peace for DGS. DIL has given me lots of reasons to want nothing to do with her.. but I have let so much go. As JMT said, they are welcome to plan things for him but they barely spend time with him.. and yes, it bothers me to have my son live less than a mile from my work & not see his son more than a few hours a week. He came over last night & saw him for a couple of hours. Yet, he will drive three hours to see his wife.. and a little more insight into their "marriage". All the time he was gone in the military, there were guys in & out. One of her friends told me she was prostituting from the apartment. He had a girlfriend in Georgia that he dumped the day he moved back here. This "reconcilliation" came out of left field for me, when I envisioned my son coming back & being a dad to his son. DIL told me she wanted nothing to do with him and from the outside perspective, she appears to be torturing him... acts like they are reconcilling and then dumps him. She's done it several times in the last few weeks and he has been very emotional, depressed and suicidal. Then they get back & he's happy. IMO, she's playing games with him. She has emotional detachment problems (I think based on her childhood) and them being together is bad... not ever going to be good for DGS. (unless she deals with her mental issues and he grows up!)...See Morevent circles and internal drama
Comments (4)Thanks all. My first system was to keep all my papers on a particular table in the living room. But every time I set up a pile of important papers, DH sees it as a place to put things for me to read. Mail creeps in and piles up. Magazines and catalogs. Then we have a cleaning moment and the whole pile goes into hiding somewhere. I do have a binder. I think I need a binder for current, and a box for old. I will talk to DH about it. Thanks for your help. I think I am going to have (at least) monthly periods of doubt throughout this experience. We will just set the goal at non-violent, and ride through it. I can't be that bad a customer - I don't harass or insult. And nobody goes into this without questions and revisions. We are still on paper. So now I have a written copy of the "Christmas" plan revisions, and we can go forward....See MoreViatera Rococo Gone to the Dogs
Comments (27)You can't see from the picture where he put little rubber bumpers around the circles where the dog bowls sit to keep them from banging against the sides. He also put pads on the feet. I saw one outside of their shop. They had made some trash cans out of remnants, too. I went back in to order one as a surprise for my husband. I wish they had allowed me to pay for it. I feel bad about that. The best I can do is tell everyone in town about it....See MoreRelated Professionals
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