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Recommendations on LVP for Rental

15 days ago

Previously installed Optimax from F&D in a separate vacation rental without any issues 2+ years out. However, it seems I may have been one of the lucky ones. The complaints online are numerous and it’s giving me second thoughts on installing it in our next project.

Wear level is important. The floor will be in a vacation rental with sand, pets, and frankly, guests on holiday. This alone is why I previously chose Optimax. It passed the knife test with flying colors.

Aesthetically, I really like the realistic ”artisan edge” bevel. The exact oppsosite of the flat, painted bevel that looks like plastic imo. I saw a sample of Nucore’s Hidden Cove and absolutely loved the look of the curved edge, but now would rather steer clear of the big box stores.

Looking online, I found Responsive Artisan Edge SPC flooring. This is definitely what I’m going for, but still researching quality and wearability.

I’d love some recommendations on which brands I should be checking out. TIA!

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