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Trying to spread out kitchen but ended up with fridge 16ft from range

15 days ago

Hello all! I'm starting a kitchen renovation to try and expand a small kitchen, but I don't want to spend all this money to open it up and still feel cramped in the end. My worry leaving the fridge on the bottom of the right wall was that the landing on each side of the stove was only going to be 15 inches. I'd really hope to open things up and have a nice two person kitchen, but not sure how I feel about that meaning that the fridge and pantry are so far away. Fridge would be 16ft away from the range. Fridge is 13ft from Sink, which is about 4ft from the range. Anyone have some suggestions? I looked into shortening the bay window to get more space on the right wall but was quoted some ridiculous numbers for moving an exterior wall, so I think I'm stuck there.

For the usage.. two person household and we like to cook together, often in the kitchen at the same time. Host dinner parties but not too often, maybe 3-4 times a year but with a new kitchen would likely try to do more. Right now the wall splits the house in two, fridge is facing up, pantry in bottom right. Only have about 3ft of usable counter space.

I decided to try and make the whole top wall of the house the kitchen, spread out left to right, and bring the dining area from the left side wall where I currently have it to lower, between kitchen and living room, and possibly towards the bay window to actually appreciate using the window. The bottom left was my thoughts for a bar area, some glassware and shelves/alcohol.

Anyone think I'm crazy for this long a hike? or does it seem reasonable given the constraints? Thanks for reading!

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