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New Montana Build - seek advice on kitchen countertops/island

15 days ago
last modified: 15 days ago

Hi all - seeking advice on new build kitchen countertops, alongwith island top. The following r settled/some installed; hickory cabs, luxury vinyl plank floor, off white walls, stainless steel appliances, black stainless steel sink. I’ll post pics. Many thanks for those willing to comment! Photos update: First pic Morro Zephyr for island, 2nd pic showing cabs and island. Bottom pic (coming thru pretty poorly, has floor plank on left, hickory cab ssmple on right. Bear with me, larger sample with hand holding is Formica River Gold - considering for countertops. Smaller samples r for island top. Impossible for u to discern much from pic, but thinking about Wilsonart Morro Zephyr for contrasting island top (its one of the darker samples, with very very small pebbling pattern).. Could it work? Morro Zephyr in reality is much darker and warm tone. Again - thank you!

Edited post: added bottom pic showing River Gold sample on model island to reveal more of the pattern (for countertops not island). Yes, fair bit natural light, part of a great room - what about black for all?

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