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Living Room Layout Advice Needed!

16 days ago

We're remodeling and having a hard time figuring out the best living room configuration (for a family that watches TV). I've included a photo of the space - with the one unknown being the window on the left side (south facing wall). We haven't finalized the size or placement, but we know we want to add a large window of some sort to get more light in the space, and add some architectural interest.

That being said, there are couple things we want to keep in mind, which is complicating the design:

  1. We need more seating - I have an initial idea of the space but I don't think it gives us enough seating options. I'd ideally like to have another love seat in addition to this. One that can view the TV. We don't like the idea of the couch being in front of the TBD large window - but understand we might have to go that way. Hopefully not. Or maybe we change the window layout/placement. I'm ok with furniture blocking part of the left side of the sliding glass door on the top wall (west-facing) - since we only use the right side.

  1. We're making a beautiful fireplace ingelnook that I'd like to look at when in the sitting area/watching TV. I fear putting a loveseat or couch (anything bigger than a couple armchairs) in the middle of the space will block off the view of the fire.

Would love anyone's thoughts on this! Blue lines in image are high traffic areas.

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