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Is my Mexican Lime Tree too dry?

12 days ago

Need some questions answered about new lime tree:

i live in the Southwest AZ USA desert. The tree is planted in the ground.

1st picture is of our new lime tree. Mexican lime tree ( aka key lime).

2nd picture is of the base of the tree. Other than the base being buried a little bit too deep, does it look good? Is it too dry?

3rd picture is of some of the leaves. They are not all curled like that but some are. Is it transplant shock ? Or is it from lack of water? Is it both these things?

Pictures 4, 5, and 6 are of some tiny blooms on the tree. It had been warm enough for the tree to start blooming here in the AZ USA desert. But then we had a freezing spell. I tried to protect the tree from the cold by wrapping it in a sheet at night. Seems to have worked. Now it has warmed up again. Do you think the blooms are stunted? Or are they still developing?

I did water it with some extra water this morning. It has a drip system watering it. Am I giving it enough water? Does the base look too dry? Is the leaf curl from lack of water or transplant shock? Do the blooms look stunted from lack of water?

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