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Finish What You Already Have?

28 days ago
last modified: 28 days ago

Do you have a drawer full of partially used makeup items that were discarded when a new color, formulation or brand caught your eye? I do 😔 and went through it the other day meaning to throw it all away. I did get rid of about half the products, but there were many that were not too old or in any other way unsuitable for use. I had watched a video in which the host mentioned some kind of “challenge” to use your personal care products all up before you buy new ones, and I was absolutely, positively going to do that until I got a personal email from Laura Geller notifying me that her makeup brushes were on sale. And while I was there I purchased a tube of Better Than Block, you know…..just to try. At this rate I will never get through all this stuff!

Is this a common problem or am i just a glutton for product?

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