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Wrong cookware set sent (update)

17 days ago
last modified: 14 days ago

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I received my fancy-schmancy Demeyere cookware set from Williams Sonoma today, and they sent the wrong stuff. I ordered the Industry 5, and they sent a mix of mostly Atlantis 7 with a couple Proline mixed in. AAARGH!!

I'm torn on whether to return it and find another set somewhere else or keep it. DH thinks it's too heavy for me -- and my heavens the A-7 pieces ARE heavy -- but OTOH I got some really expensive cookware at a (relative) bargain price, it sure is nice stuff, and what a PITA to trudge it back to the brick-and-mortar (I will need DH's help with that, it's hard enough to lift one pan let alone a big box of pans).

What to do, what to do....

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