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Looking for Replacement Daylilies

27 days ago
last modified: 21 days ago

As most of you know, I had to leave many daylilies behind - including those I had on my list to bring. I'm looking for replacements for these daylilies:

Allegheny Skyline (Julia)

Arctic Lace

Blushing Escapade (Kate)

Carolina Cool Down (ordered this one)


Clown Parade (Kate)

Cobraskin Necktie

Coral Majority (Maybe Brad)

Crintonic Rain Dances

El Desperado (Kate)

Forever Redeemed (Nan)

Grandma's Smile (I ordered this one)

Green Mystique (I ordered this one)

Joan Derifield (maybe Brad)

Kentucky Lucky

Primal Scream (Sherry)

Roman Cohort

Sam Abell (Nan)

Shores of Time

Stenciled Infusion

Strawberry Alarm Clock

Sweet Prairie Wind

Sugar Magnolia (Brad)

Sun Temple Spirit (Nan)

Two Sues

Willow Dean Smith (ordererd this one)

Let me know if you could sell me some of these or share some for postage.


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