I hate tan houses
27 days ago
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- 27 days agolast modified: 27 days ago
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I hate my house part 2 - photos
Comments (18)I hope this is not too bold, but you asked. I don't think the white is the problem. The right side of the house is OK. Shutter color does little for the house - go with a brighter color, or earth tone. Maybe also do the trim in the same color to tune down the while (ie eves, vent and roof line). The left side of the house could use some work. Two windows and a door - all different designs. The one window with shutters is small and would look better larger, but is not bad. The one to the left of the door does not fit with the others. The entry way is not impressive. I'd spend most of your money on the entry way. Make it much bigger. It is at the center of the house and it should be the focal point. This can be done in a number of ways. Extend the porch. Add a new enclosed front entry. Make a wide, impressive walkway to the driveway. If you add a 'wow' entry way, no one will notice the rest of the house which is not so bad. A nice wood door in the same color as teh shutters. Then work on the landscape. Remove the tree in front of the door way. The new path will extend out from the front, in a wide sweep to the drive, and allow you to add a nice bed on both sides of it. The one in front can curve towards the front of the property on the driveway side and include the smaller tree out front. Another large bed around the big tree to balance it, and to balance that side of the house which is larger. The white house would be a good backdrop to evergreens. You have a great front yard for gardening - if that is your thing. A lot of people on this sight would kill for a lawn like that....See MoreI hate Comcast , I hate Comcast, I hate Comcast.
Comments (16)I am canceling my service with Comcast. I have the $4.99 charge to cover me in case I need to have a service call. Well in April I did have a service call as one of my two phone lines was not working. The technician who came out broke my phone and did not tell me that he broke it. I found that out much later -- it should have been a hint when he did not want me to hold the phone. Then he or Comcast put a $70.00 charge on my account. When I called Comcast, I told them about this, they admitted that it should not have been there and they told me that they would credit my account on the next bill, but that I was expected to pay it and they would issue a credit. I need to check the statutes but I don't think you can collect on disputed charges, especially when you are aware that YOU made the mistake. For the $70.00 that should not have been billed, they interrupted the service. I refuse to pay it and have notified my local jurisdiction and the FCC. If you are looking for a cable or internet or phone provider, don't walk past Comcast, run as fast and as far as you can....See MoreHate my tan/brown house color! Help!
Comments (12)What level of darkness is your roof? I think that white trim looks great near a fairly light colored roof. If your roof is super dark, I would go with a lighter color than what you have for the roof-trim interface. You could still use a much lighter color on the underside of the eaves and around the windows. You can go onto the painting companies' websites and upload a photo of your house and mix-and-match all the colors that you want on the different areas and get some idea of how you like the effect or not....See MoreHelp! I hate my yellow house!
Comments (4)I'm sure you've searched for yellow cottage images - they're like babies - all adorable! Agree about pulling the bay window shutters. I would add window boxes under the other windows. I'd paint the screen and the front door the same color and not white. But I might paint the shutters white to widen those windows. Or some color that's not black. Can you paint whatever your posts are sitting on - maybe white? I'd change the black railings to a white composite cottage railing or at least spray paint them white. I'd also put pavers in the area under the bay window and add a bench. I might even add another post to the left of the steps. Then I might maybe add a low white fence in front of my new patio/bench area, depending. While I was removing the foliage under the bay, I'd also remove the foliage that's blocking the front steps and add it to a new deeper curved bed under the smaller windows to add depth to that side. Flowers are nice with a yellow cottage - so, so nice!...See MoreRelated Professionals
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Mark Bischak, Architect