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Please help stop dirt/water run-off without a raised flower bed

29 days ago

We purchased this 30-year old home and with spring coming up in a couple months, I am continuing with plans for the landscape. Last summer, I planted boxwoods along the left side of the home, near the garage. The grass on the far right side of the house extended all the way up to the building, but I cut it away from the house, to the same width as the flower bed on the other side of the sidewalk. All went smoothly, and I planted boxwoods to match the ones along the garage. But then my plans ran into trouble with the first hard downpour. The slope of the bed made it difficult to keep the water from washing away the mulch and dirt. I will bury the downspout in the spring, but currently the water from it has little effect on the boxwoods. When there is no rain and I have to hand-water them, the water simply washes away the dirt. I've included an online photo to my collection that accurately illustrates the desired pattern for my slope and boxwoods. How do the owners keep their bushes and flowers alive without a raised bed? I do not want to build a raised bed, yet I cannot plant anything in this location due to runoff. Please help me. What is the secret?

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