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Planning for Companion Plants for Roses in 2025

Maybe someone has already started a thread like this recently? I know someone mentioned starting one, but I haven’t found any, so I’m going to share the ones that are highest on my list for the year and hope to see all of you pitch in with your ideas.

Salvias are a favorite with me: particularly Mystic Spires and Mysty for a shorter version. I also like Rhythm and Blues for semi shady areas and several of the Autumn sages for hot dry areas. Trish mentioned the So Cool series that so far I haven’t been able to find here in the USA.

Penstemon are great for my climate as well . There are so many varieties! I like the Cha Cha series quite well and ‘ gloxinoides’ Midnight is gorgeous.

Orlaya is hard to beat for white, lacy loveliness. And it looks and lasts wonderful in a bouquet. I am planting lots of that this year.

Diane has me convinced to increase my snapdragon population this year! I love the way they fill in with extra color when the roses are between flushes and am adding several different colors.

And one more that I trialed last year: Nierembergia Starry Eyes. This one impressed me with how tough and long blooming it is. It only stopped blooming 2 weeks ago and even now is evergreen and good looking in my garden. I hear it doesn’t seed around as good as some of the Nierembergia varieties do, so I’m trying my hand at rooting them to spread around in my garden. I like this better than allysum for front of the bed, spill-over-the-edge filler. I’ll include two pictures, one from Plant Delights nursery and the second one from my garden that I took yesterday to show how this looks after facing temperatures down in the teens several times.

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