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Is a sideboard a good idea here?

I'm considering ordering a sideboard to put against this wall in my kitchen. Nothing currently resides on or against this wall, it looks bare so I thought a sideboard with a great piece of art above it might look good.

So, I pushed the sideboard there from my great room to get a visual before making a decision. What do you think - too cluttered? Too visually heavy?

Couple notes:

1. This is not the sideboard that would go there. This buffet is there only to gauge how things might look; it's going right back into the other room. The new one I'd order would be the same size (76" x 20") as this one but in a rustic style in reclaimed wood to match my kitchen table and chairs.

2. My goal is to repaint. I hate this paint. I don't want to belabor the point because I've whined about it in other posts. In relation to this post, the new wall paint will be drastically lighter (leaning toward a creamy off-white at this point).

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