January/Feb Hello, What are your 2025 Garden Plans?
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OT: POTD: Do you plan on big changes in your garden this year?
Comments (24)Wow! Isn't it great to start thinking of anotehr garden season!!! For a change I actually got to just a bit of the cleanup this past fall. Can't do it right now as its all covered with 3-4' snowdrifts.....out of sight, out of mind - LOL Lucy- glad you got to have Maddy over the wknd. Our G'son is just a block away but now at (almost)10 spends more time w chums than G'ma and I. Pulling into the driveway last night I could see him running home...all flailing elbows and knees in snowgear and boots...never walks, always running. Paused in the drive to watch-LOL. What a joy they are! All the projects remind me of similar needs in my yard but I think I'm going to be investing most of my money in larger containers for all the cuttings which were shared with me this fall.....on top of the 'herd' I already had accumulated. Yaaayyy. Maybe I've 'turned the corner' with both my bronchitis and attitude. Y'all have gotten me ready to start thinking about 2010 much more postively. Will...See MoreWhat to Wear January 2025
Comments (251)SueB that is a great poshmark find!I love that site. Jsk I flew by myself for the first time when I was six or seven, shipped off to an aunt for a few weeks in summer before I started going to sleepaway camp. I was dressed to the nines for that flight — dress, hat, small pocketbook, gloves and white leather Mary Janes with turned down ankle socks. I was on my best behavior as one often is when dressed very nicely and I felt very pleased and grown up flying alone. I guess that whole experience was a template for me because I still endeavor to look as nice as I possibly can as a credit to the wonderful privilege of travel. I sometimes wonder if people would behave better on airplanes (and in general in public) if they didn’t wear pajamas and fuzzy houseshoes on board.🤔 FWIW though I do understand the whole comfy athleisure dress on a plane even though I go in the opposite direction....See MoreGarden Tales >>> January 2025
Comments (17)Well Sharon today it's snowing here :-) but that will serve as a nice blanket covering my fall planted and very young spinach seedlings (again). I almost finished thinning them out last week and once this snow melts and after the coming rains this weekend are over I hope to do one last thinning, add fert (Espoma Gardentone), and mulch the rows with compost. The spinach should be ready for their first picking by mid-March if the rest of the winter is forgiving. Otherwise I'm drawing up a garden planting sketch for Spring/Summer plantings and have almost finished topping off my seed inventory. One advantage of this snow and colder temps is that the fruit trees are staying dormant, some years they will wake up in Feb due to a warm Jan, not this time. Now if I can just avoid a late freeze things should be ok. Still need to see some life signs in the pomegranate and fig trees, maybe by late April?...See More2025 January week 5 into February
Comments (74)I got a new toy. A weather station. Mrs Dollar told me I had officially entered nerd-dom. Tells me temp, rain, baro, wind. And I'm connected to the Weather Underground sensor network that acts as a mini mesonet. I can read other people's station. And there's quite a few in this area. I am right in the middle between the Oklahoma Mesonet station at Norman, which is at the airport and 9 miles away, and the OKC East station at I-35 / I-40 Junction, which is also 9 miles away. My personal station, along with the WU network, will help me dial in on rainfall, over night lows, and daytime high temps. That will be really helpful in April and May. So far, my station pretty much agrees with those close to me, within 2 miles. There is a large discrepancy in wind readings, both MPH and direction. I don't have a house directly behind me. As you can see in my pic, its just an open school yard. Nothing there to break the wind. With the strong south wind yesterday, I was getting readings way above everyone else. I think the others in this area are probably in enclosed back yards with plenty of wnd break. North wind will be a diff story....See MoreRelated Professionals
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- 12 days ago
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