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What to do with wall section between large windows in living/dining?

last month

We are stuck trying to figure out what to do with this empty wall section between large windows in the living/dining space. The architect intended that to be for a TV, but we don’t want a TV in the middle of the room so I designed the stairs to fit a niche on the side where the TV will go.

The room has big windows with a nice view, so I don’t want to take away from that. It would be nice to have some shelving in the room for books and maybe a bit of decor…

Thinking basic built in shelves, either painted to match the wall colour or maybe wood… there is already a lot of white oak with the flooring, island, stairs, slat wall at stairs, custom dining table being built. Window sills are walnut so it could be walnut. Maybe just white oak slightly darker than the flooring.

Other ideas?

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