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Ceiling fans and chandelier in large living room?

21 days ago
last modified: 21 days ago

We are currently building and are a bit stumped on lighting in our new living room. The goal is for the house to look like an old Greek Revival with lots of period details. My husband (who never expresses much of an opinion on anything) has asked for a ceiling fan in the living room. We're in Georgia, and this would be practical for us much of the year. I'm OK with the idea of plain white ceiling fan(s) that sort of disappear into the ceiling, but want to make sure there's enough light in the room. I'm adverse to can lights in this house - they just don't look "old house" to me. So I'm wondering if I could do 2 all-white ceiling fans that are close to the ceiling, and a pretty fixture that would hang lower than them (to avoid strobing) in the middle of the room. The room is 24x17' and has 10' ceilings. Would this work? Has anyone seen a combination of ceiling fans and a chandelier/hanging fixture in the same room before?

Here is a mock-up of the room (to scale) for reference:

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