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Re-Purposing this Room & Furniture into Something Special

last month

Hi everyone! I’d love to take advantage of your creative juices if they’re flowing!We’ve lived here 5 years & I just don’t FEEL this room. It depresses me, so i avoid it (it’s dark, oriented toward a big tv that my hubs is always laying down & watching, and is just… yuck. It’s a combo Living/Dining room that you walk directly into from the front door, and it opens onto a small patio in back.

The walls & ceiling are white & curtains are “linen-white” blackout curtains (i get horrific migraines, so occasionally NEED to blackout the room). We’re replacing the carpet with one that’s warmer-toned & a light camel-color that appears lighter/brighter in most lighting (a very welcome change!) and yes, it’s still very neutral.

This SEEMS like the time to do some re-arranging/remodeling/repurposing since we need to take EVERYTHING out to lay the new carpet. But I have NO IDEA how to get started, nor how to determine what to put where, keep, or pass on.
Will you PLEASE HELP ME?!?

We have this MASSIVE leather sectional that i dont LOVE, however, before getting rid of it id prefer to try taking the corner piece & a seat out of it. Maybe that (turning it into a regular sofa) + moving it would work?

Also, OMG I HATE THE TV!!! Hubs wants it over the fireplace, but i love the fireplace & having a display/mirror over it. I told him we can put the TV over the fireplace IF we can hide it too (like a cabinet w doors that fold/roll back, but i can’t find anything like this).
Also, IF we were to mount the tv there, that would open up the corner the tv is in currently. What to do about seating etc?

I’m just sort of frozen in place right now with too many options & not enough $$ to do a massive Reno.
Do any of you have ANY ideas? My goal is mostly to lighten up the space into something light & airy yet comfortable (we’re in the PNW and the natural light in this room is Northern exposure and pretty dim.

I think we align most with Contemporary as a style.

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