Just one (1), please, which one of those WOW! Etsy roses should I get?
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Room for just 1 container rose -- suggestions please?!?
Comments (23)Thanks to you both, Len and Jeri !! Jeri, does Baptiste Lafaye have much of a fragrance? I'm in email contact with Cliff Orent about that one, as well as Petite Francoise and Princesse Josephine-Charlotte, but I'm not yet clear about fragrance for any of those very beautiful roses. And Len, I agree about that name -- Angel Face! I almost didn't read up about it because the name was a bit too cutesy for my taste. Truth be told, I had a lesser-but-similar reaction to the "English Miss" name. But recognizing that that's a very silly reason not to learn about something, I checked into both roses, and they do seem like very nice roses, at least from what I've been able to learn about them, and both of them are noted as being "very," "intensely," or "exceptionally" fragrant. Sounds like your reading of The Ultimate Rose Book described EM as being "softly" fragrant, though, rather than something more potent ?? I wonder which one would have the better growth habit in a container, and quality as a cut rose. Any ideas on that front? Again -- thank you! Judy...See MoreOnly 1 cutting to root: which method should I use?
Comments (21)Hi Jenn, you're welcome! It really isn't all that difficult to wring out the paper. I like using three full sheets. I unfold them, laying them out flat, then put my hand right in the center, wrapping them around my hand and wrist while dunking them into a bucket of water for a few minutes. I pull them out, gently folding them into a twist and wring them out. There is a little tearing some times, but not terribly. If you're careful, you can wring out most of the water with little tearing because of the thickness of the three sheets. If it's more comfortable for you, fold them the best you can and run an old rolling pin from the kitchen over them until they no longer drip, but are thoroughly wet/damp. With the wet paper still twisted from wringing them out, grab the "rope" of wet paper in the center then just gently shake it back and forth. It will begin to loosen and fall open. It makes it easier for you to spread them out as a wet, three layer sheet. Process your cuttings and lay them in the center of the sheet with a label. Once you're finished processing all the cuttings, fold over the top and bottom of the sheet, the ends at the top and bottom of the cuttings, then begin rolling them tightly into the "burrito". Make sense? I've also laid out the three sheets of paper on the deck and thoroughly wet them with the hose, but that uses more water, so I prefer the bucket. My concern is your spray bottle may not sufficiently wet the paper. Dipping or dunking them into a bucket of water does. If the paper tears a bit, don't worry, just spread it out as flat as you can and use it. You'll have several layers of damp paper rolled up encasing the cuttings to provide them sufficient moisture so it isn't a real issue. If you're doing several batches, just put each burrito into a plastic bag to prevent it from drying and add each one to the bag as you complete it. Once you're finished with them all, gently squeeze out the excess air from the bag and tie it shut. I then put this one upside down into another bag and repeat the process. I've usually used three bags together, each one reversed from the other, to provide as much of a seal against moisture loss as possible, then placed them in the dresser drawer in the garage to keep them cool. When the weather is conducive for the work room attached to the garage to remain in the sixties degree range, I've also just laid them on a shelf in that room where they've also worked just fine. I understand what you meant about putting them on the refrigerator now, thank you. As long as the heat from the motor doesn't warm them, and they remain in the approximate temperature range, all should work just fine. I'm excited to follow your progress! Many years ago, very dear friends retired from this area and moved into the mountains north of Los Angeles. She was sad she had to leave the three bushes of Circus she planted at that house shortly after they bought it in the early sixties. After the move, I knocked on the door and introduced myself to the new owners and requested permission to take cuttings, explaining why I wanted them. They were delighted to share them with me. Both Janne and I were excited when I visited and handed her several own root plants of her beloved Circus, propagated from her old plants. She had some of her old garden, where she'd happily lived for thirty plus years and raised her six children, to grace her "retirement" garden. That connection with your old plant is a happy one. Been there many times and plan on many more! Kim...See MoreWhich one Nook, Kindle, Kindle Fire? Which one?
Comments (21)just keep in mind that android tablets let you install the kindle app and the nook app so you can have all of those on one device. It really depends on your needs and wants as to what you get. the tablet with the best sound that I have owned was the vizio it had 3 speakers so no matter which direction you held it in you had stereo and the sound was fantastic. Wish more manufacturers would be more interested in the sound quality and take a lesson and put at least 3 or 4 speakers on them. I often struggle hearing with the one small speaker especially on my phone. I love love love my new Asus transformer tf300 10" tablet with dock but it too could use some improvement in the sound and speaker department. My husband still absolutely loves his lookbook in fact he now has his and mine and I am trying to make him transition over to my Vizio tablet so he has more options and can do other things on it. He is fighting me he wants to stick with his lookbook he is not a fan of the touch screen he keeps touching things by accident then I hear swearing lol. He is not a good student is all I have to say LOL That lookbook is extremely light weight you will not likely find any tablet that is that light....See MoreNever had a garbage disposal - should I get one?
Comments (35)I've always had a GD and I wouldn't want to be without one. Ours (even growing up) have never been smelly, and the few jams I've experienced personally or remember as a kid were easily taken care of with the hex key that comes with the GD. Turn the bolt thingy on the bottom of the GD and wha-la, no more jam. Super easy. We compost, but only veggies. And we don't eat a lot of meat so the meat that goes down our GD is small remains of fish or chicken. Like others, what we put down the GD are cereal remains, rice, pasta etc... Never any bones. Those don't grind up well and the sound is awful! I didn't even know there were disposals that you had to cover before using. I've always had the kind w/a switch. My kids have never stuck their hands down the drain, and I never did as a kid either, so I think if you make it clear not to, your kids will be fine....See MoreRelated Professionals
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