I don't know if this counts, but in our house Shazam means "fried chicken and mashed potatoes from the deli counter and do they have that dessert we like and hey get a bottle of white"
The one-pot cook (me) produced a line of Glops over the years --- beef, shrimp, you-name-the-main-ingredient. Of course they had other names, but Glop is how we referrred to them, and they were requested as such.
20 years ago, when we started dating, my husband would eat sushi and salad for lunch most days. It is sort of hard to say sushi and salad, so we started calling it SHushi and SHalad. Those are now our words.
Sometimes I cook Hokey Pokey style. That's when I put things in and take things out because I don't want some parts to get overdone while the rest is cooking. I do this a lot with stews.
When my parents stopped going to the grocery store themselves, and ordering, they always ordered by phone instead of online. Online, Dad had to be too specific in what he wanted! By calling me or his favorite person at the store, he could say ”orange juice” and we knew exactly WHICH OJ he meant, brand, size, style, pulp, added vitamins. Same with milk, ice cream, cookies. I’m still training DH on shopping list shorthand!
Our family as a whole doesn’t have any made up words for anything, but DD and DS2 made up their own dialect when they were children and still use it —to the occasional consternation and annoyance from the rest of us!
Growing up, we had a GSD that ate half a can of Kal Kan dog food on her kibble. It was full of "organ" meat & smelled. Stokes canned green Chili has a similar odor to me. I used to dump half a can of Stokes over chips, smothered in cheese....to make a dish I called "Dog Food Nachos"....it still smells atrocious to me. My husband LOVES this nacho dish...and calls it..."Dog Food Nachos" when he requests it.
When I first met my husband, I went to his family farm and met his parents who were of Ukrainian heritage. One of the dishes his mother served was a pretty darn gross looking dish that appeared to be covered in jelly. She called it stewed nuts. I'd eaten bull testicles before, and I'd eaten jellied pork hocks before but neither looked like this. I politely passed and continued to pass for years every time she served it.
I had been married for many, many years before I found out it was studenetz, a Ukrainian word for a headcheese type dish. LOL I still call it stewed nuts, and I still don't eat it.
My FIL used to occasionally make head cheese. Not brave, I didn't eat it. Event took place somewhat rarely - when butchering took place. When you have 10 children, you raise much of the food yourself. But this man cooked hot food for his pigs in winter - he did not do the butchering himself even if he had trouble admitting something of a 'softie'.. The only time I ever left the table was the night blood sausage was served. Just the black color was enough for my senses/tastes.
He called once with few things he wanted from the grocery store. Italian seasoning was on his list and I bought a jar in the spice aisle but was wondering why when he always had garlic, peppers, oregano in his kitchen. English was not his first language. He'd meant Italian salad dressing - one of his daughters might have known but i did not.
I did watch Guy Fieri participate in the cooking and eating of pork head cheese on TV just a few days ago and it really didn't look bad ....at least to my older self. 😊
Elmer J Fudd
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