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Okay, Seeds and Seed Order Planning?

22 days ago
last modified: 9 days ago

Okay, Coloradans. There has been 2 months for a vacation from GW, those seed orders had better be going out soon!

We have had the warmest Winter ever so far, in the time that I have been in this neck of the PNW. Sometimes, I have to think of it as the NorthWest because of the weather, "June Gloom," and that sort of thing. Last year, it was our usual below zero F Winter but it was remarkable that it hit those temperatures without snow cover at this elevation – not good. This Winter, I haven't bothered to use the snow shovels once (!) and we still haven't hit single digitS'. REMARKABLE. Perhaps, we are headed that way in late January but it looks like one of the very few Winters out of the 50+ that I have lived here with no sub-zeros.

BTW, I started out on GW years ago in the PNW forum but there were essentially no gardeners east of the Cascades. Shucks, I was gardening between ranges of the Rockies and the growing seasons were almost nothing like Puget Sound and Portland areas. So, I turned up on this forum.

I need to go through current seed stocks and see what is there, what is too old and what should be ordered. And, what heirlooms will need to be grown to replenish/refresh seed stocks. Garden downsizing in 2024 really changed my seed buying. It looks like a first time order from True Leaf but their buying of Kitazawa was bound to make that happen.

A beautiful picture of a Colorado mountain meadow popped up recently on the internet for me and I was wondering if I had been to Silverthorne. (Strange name, that.) No, apparently my month-long travels to the state, while avoiding Denver etc. didn't quite include that community. I remember making a choice as to how I would turn south off the interstate to pass through Leadville on my way south. Never travelled further east on I70 and didn't go north of it. That was probably a mistake ... Anyway, I spent 1 month in Colorado and only once did I stay a second night in any one place. Started to go off towards Kansas but only made it to Rocky Ford/La Junta – too dang hot on that day! For some reason, I visited Gunnison 3 times while making my loops. Pagosa Springs and Durango forests felt so much like "home" here on the WA/ID border that I was comfortable returning from that trip. Still, Colorado has some wonderful uniqueness that make it special.

Steve (And, yes, I know that Wyoming, Montana and Canadian gardeners have frequented this forum and should be here ;o).

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