Floof-Post a food related picture
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going to southeast Asia - what food related items to buy?
Comments (59)Hoi An looks fascinating; I wish we had gone there. I bought mine in Saigon (oops, HCMC). You should have seen me pantomiming what I wanted to the hawkers. I'm sure I was amusing. But once I found people selling kitchenwares, a woman understood exactly what I meant (even though I sort of had it sideways) and went rummaging through a mountain of stuff -- I was afraid of an avalanche -- and pulled out a bundle of them tied together. I knew that was it; your description of a leaf-shape was perfect. It seems to be called a "dao bao." Here is a link that might be useful: article with a picture of dao baos...See MoreFloof post: Getting ready....
Comments (29)Maybe eld . However, these were not coworkers at all. They were truck drivers,either bringing stuff in or picking stuff up. Mr. Kit Kat comes in frequently, and is rather obnoxious anyway, and Reeses boy just started coming in there recently,and had no clue that he was talking to the treat provider/decorator. Again,I don't think I feel ownership over the treats. They are for everybody. I am just amazed at how rude and obnoxious some people can get about something that supposed to be a nice gesture and fun. (How DARE you not make sure that there is more than 1 free Reeses cup!) As for money,I do get contributions. It's usually the same people every year. So far, in my pumpkin pig I've brought in about 30 bucks. I don't get annoyed if people don't contribute and they get a treat or two.I get annoyed when people don't contribute,yet come get enough snacks to live off of. Or I get annoyed at the people who work in that office with me,as i mentioned above. They will nag people to put change in the pig(something I NEVER do. I put the pig by the candy for those that want to put in. I don't ever TELL people to put money in it. ),yet I get nothing from them,and they eat more than anyone. It's a year round thing though really. The obnoxious entitlement that is.We provide them with free coffee. As a courtesy. They often complain that we only have regular and hazelnut coffeemate,not this or that flavor. They actually think it is a job requirement for us to drop whatever are doing if the coffee pot is empty and make it for them. Someone actually yelled at me that they would have me fired for not "doing my job" and get off the phone with a customer that second and make him some free coffee. Yeah. Good luck with that. You can't be nice to some people. They become rather entitled. I don't get it. But, I refuse to let the few doofuses dampen my Halloween happiness,especially as I got my Charlie Brown working,and that made my whole month. I can feel it. This is the year that the Great Pumpkin finally shows up....See MoreFood Floof! Potluck Specialty
Comments (69)I am another lover of potlucks. So many flavors and a variety of stuff I don't usually bake/make and some I've never heard of. Love it! Love it! My DIL has a family reunion (100th this year) that she has invited us to attend for the last 10 years that she and DS have been married. So sweet since they are the only family I have -- while she has 87 cousins and a passel of assorted other relatives. The revolving hostess arranges to have the main dish delivered - usually from an upscale restaurant, dinner service pieces, table flowers, etc. Everyone contributes to the cost that also covers the servers, cleaner-uppers, etc. $15 ea is a really inexpensive meal for the two of us! Almost everyone brings something homemade (or sometimes purchased), or a bottle of booze, or nibbles, or who tosses in a few extra dollars for the service. My DIL is a professional cake decorator (my son is the baker - like me) so she contributes a couple gorgeous cakes that are show stoppers. Not knowing what to bring the first time, I laid out a platter of my homegrown/homemade pickled okra, maybe 150 pieces. Not one tiny speck was left! So, now it is on the hostess's list asking me to bring it every year. I feel like such a part of a welcoming family. A simple thing that makes the difference to someone. So, if you are asked/expected to bring a certain dish, you may not know how much people look forward to it....See MoreSemi Floof Post ---Breaking Bread
Comments (58)I guess I must be some kind of dinosaur :-) I was raised in an age where social decorum and learning proper table manners was just as much a part of one's education as was learning your times tables and spelling!! Young women of a certain age often went to charm school or took a course in social etiquette that instructed one in how to properly navigate social interaction on various levels. Knowing how to dress for various occasions, what was accepted dinnertime conversation, what fork to use when, how to set a table correctly, how to break (NEVER cut!!) and butter a dinner roll according to the accepted procedures of the time, etc. were standard topics that we all learned. And this was a typical urban middle class upbringing.....nothing posh or relegated only to the wealthy upper class. So these "rules" are pretty much ingrained in me. And while our approach to these situations is much more casual these days and with less reliance on what may actually be outdated rules of etiquette, those who do not follow them do stand out, at least in my eyes. Good manners remain good manners, even if times change....See MoreRelated Professionals
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