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What should I do with this wall?

23 days ago

Hi All,

Please forgive me for the mess. I am struggling with decorating this wall. Here are some of the issues that I am having.

1. This wall is the dark spot of the room. From the wall cabinet on the left all the way to the corner of the woodstove. At night, this wall is dark. I am hoping to add some lightings but I am stuck in terms of the placement and the style of the light. That being said, I prefer not to get an electrician involved so sconces might be out of the picture.

2. The patio door has built-in blinds, but they are ugly. I would like to add some drapes to soften the space as well as to serve privacy. The dilemma is that the woodstove might be too close that it might become a fire hazard. If drapes are not practical, any alternative to achieve the same?

Thank you guys!

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