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Advice for decorating entryway

last month
last modified: last month

First let me start by saying I'm wary of sharing photos of my home because of the absolutely brutal comments I see here from time to time, but alas I need help.

We moved into our newly built home a few months ago and inherited this Pembroke table that I really love from my mother-in-law. I've tried a few different setups in this entryway, but I would like to get the opinions of you folks who are decor-savvy. I am really having a hard time looking at it objectively. I feel like the wall may need something on either side of the mirror, but at the same time I don't want to overwhelm the small space, either. I do not wish to relocate the table or the mirror at this time. With that in mind, what- if anything- would you add to this space? There isn't adequate space to add chairs on either side of the table, which is what I wish I could do. But it's simply too narrow/shallow. As you enter the front door, there are only 6.5 feet from left to right, and I need to allow space to open the door, which is on the same side as this table. I've considered a tall potted plant or tree on the right side, but I'm worried it would make the space look lopsided.

On the other side of the entryway is a coat closet, so that wall is not usable. Thanks in advance for any advice.


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