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Living\Family Room layout advice

23 days ago

Hello – I am trying to figure out the best layout for my living room; couch(es), TV, end tables, coffee table, other

I have many openings that is making it difficult for me to decide on the optimum use of space. This is the only Family\Living Room in my house. We are big sports fans and like to entertain so maximum seating is a priority.

The TV is currently in the corner and I think it might need to stay there for optimal viewing in rest of house, as in this location, it can be seen from kitchen and dining room, which helps when entertaining during sporting events. TV will not fit over the fireplace.

In summer, there is a pretty view of our deck, pool, and garden off the 8-foot slider. This entrance is used a lot in the summer.

Current sectional is 10’ x 10’ and is worn-out, so that is reason me reconsidering a full redesign of this room. Way overdue as I started this effort several times in the past but had to stop due to circumstances.

These pictures show how the room is situated with the dining room and kitchen and shows current flow of traffic. I also included measurements.

I can purchase new furniture so no restraints there.

Thank you in advance for any help!!

Comments (120)

  • PRO
    15 days ago
    last modified: 15 days ago

    Looks fine for width size- looks HIGH: ) sit in a chair near the fire and test. It would look better about six inches lower? Is there a sound bar?

    Look, at some point you are reinventing a WHEEL! Take a few pics of the dining room from ALL angles. Stand in the dining room with the stupid sheet in the camera? We haven't seen ANY pictures of the entire first floor - so add yet more context,

    I think you are obsessing, need to get to the most important aspects of the space, and what you are ASKING the space to do.

    Sports on tv, with a houseful of people is not 95% of the living time in your home. Or it IS? You both work so it can't be!

    Do you understand you CAN absolutely put any smart tv on the back side of that wall? and it need not look like a tv on the wall in black hole mode?

  • 15 days ago
    last modified: 15 days ago

    Agree, TV should be lower. Thanks for confirming width looks ok.

    You are correct, Houseful is not all the time. Most time just hubby and I, weekends w friends but not all time as we rotate homes.

    I am obsessing, yikes.

    After test driving this week, we are good w the wall location and don’t think we need another TV in DR, but agree, I’ve used that picture mode for tv before and it’s great!!

    I’m at work, but here are some pics of DR that I have on my phone.

    Next post will be more pics of DR. I’m having my husband take a few.

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    Based on how you're describing, I like the two rows, 3x2. This is just a personal preference thing tho. I wouldn't split them on two dimmers. I can't imagine wanting to set half the can lights on one dim level and half on another. I'd put them on one dimmer, then wire the 2nd dimmer to a couple floor half-outlets or accent lighting. Then you can run the can lights or the other lights (floor lamp) or both. I would also put them slightly farther apart than even spacing wall-light-light-wall. Otherwise it will be overly bright down the center where their beams overlap and not as bright on the fringe. With 13', I'd go something like 3.5' light to wall on each side with 6' between the two rows. That's just what I'd do.
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    I wouldn't put TV on window wall either. Going with a traditional sofa I would face it towards the wall with bookcases, and place the TV and TV stand in between the bookcases. Center the sofa as best as you can and don't shove it up against the wall with the windows, leave room for a small side table only if you need it lighting, otherwise leave it as a way to move into the TV area. You would have access on both sides of the sofa. Set the Sofa where the back of it is just behind the 'eye line' of doorway to dining room, leaving ample room to walk by the sofa, and to have a nice coffee table in front of it. There should be room to the right of the sofa (near the window that's closest to bookcase) for a chair. Don't put it on the wall, or in the corner. You want to make it part of the seating area so place it accordingly. You could either put the computer desk behind the sofa and give it a dual purpose, and use the remaining space in the room as a conversation / reading area with a couple of chairs, with nice artwork. Or just hang artwork and have a hall type of table to set your keys on. You could set up the space for the kids to hang out, play games, read, or whatever. Get a cool kids Teepee (u can find them at Target) and set it in the corner. They would probably be in it all the time. Anyway that's what blew thru my mind. I often 'think outside the box' and I'm no genius, but I try to enjoy my surroundings and change things up when I can, using what I already have. Best of luck!
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    From what I can see nothing is facing the TV dead on . I usaully design media spaces with furniture placed to view the screen dead on for at least the sofa I have 2 sofas in my media room and also 2 chairs the TV is viewed easily from the 2 sofas and we have a swivel TV stand so it can be angled when needed for including the 2 chairs . . I think the issue is you keep trying to put the sectional in a corner just place it to ideally view the screen then add another chair if needed the sectional will float nicely in the spac e.put the TV where that seating faces the TV best.
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  • 15 days ago

    Was going to paint out the brown cabinets seen DR.

    Want to do a picture wall on the new DR wall. But will be more particular. After seeing beautiful walls on Houzz I need to up game on that!

    Our friend came over to help w wall. :)

  • 15 days ago
    last modified: 15 days ago

    Btw, I will also be shopping for chandelier in DR... I am keeping the curtains.

  • PRO
    15 days ago
    last modified: 15 days ago

    What is this?? Under the mini split? Do you need it?

    If I may?

    There is a big difference between warm, inviting, cozy......and a nervous feel in a home from too much in your face visual clutter and high contrast.

    A little black goes a long way. Not every photo you own must hang on a wall! Particularly a ton of the small variety. Not every corner needs shelves, and some NEGATIVE space is a good thing! That certainly does not imply sterile, nor a home that doesn't reflect you and family. But....a little weeding/pruning in here would go a long way to the updated feel you want, still warm, and COZY.

  • 15 days ago

    Thank you for your additional input now on my DR which will be my next update.

    That is a cabinet which I definitely need as it houses many of my kitchen platters, also my glassware. Not everyday glasses, those are in kitchen. Also the middle section is a wine rack and hold wine glasses. Was thinking of painting that out to white and possibly rework the moulding on it as well to make it not as obvious. I have a very old house that has gone through several renovations...

    My kitchen is functional for me but on the small side. I was also thinking of changing the cabinet color in my kitchen as well, but that is after the LR, DR update. might have to wait till next year for that.

  • 15 days ago

    I think painting that cabinet the wall color will help it blend away.

    Also, we have two sofas facing each other, perpindicular to the tv, and two chairs facing it. We love lying supine to watch tv. DH thought he would hate it at first but it's quite the opposite haha.

  • 15 days ago

    Justcallmepool- thank you so much for sharing your experience with your LR setup. So helpful!

  • 15 days ago

    Just have to share…

    Wall is up!

    I never realized how out of proportion this wall was until now.


  • PRO
    15 days ago
    last modified: 15 days ago

    Bravo!! I DON'T THINK 90" would have hurt!!!

    Bet you're dying to hang that TV!!

  • 15 days ago

    It is in our cart!! LOL

  • PRO
    15 days ago

    Better hurry on the paint! Big WEEKEND NFL!!

  • 14 days ago

    This has been an excellent thread example of how these forums *should* work and was a pleasure to read. Jan gave inspired and brilliant advice, the OP immediately tried it out with full on furniture moving and mockups (the sheet was great, as was actually using the room with friends over as a test run.) We even had the usual "detour" that was handled politely with no snark or rudeness. This is what I miss, having been an avid reader (mostly lurker) for maaaannny years. dencarson, I love your new longer wall from the dining room doesn't close it in but makes it feel more like you're IN the dining room when you're in the dining room if that makes sense. LOL Well done all!

  • PRO
    14 days ago


    In design of all types, a client challenges a designer and a designer challenges the client.

    Challenge is a GOOD word! It means as a designer I will listen to what you said, HEAR you, read between the lines, say it back to you .......multiple times, usually : )

    The entire process is a dialogue,

    The client can do all the hand wrings of "what if, not sure, I don't believe it, show me". What the client can't do, is take suggestion and turn it to criticism, offer no feedback, or expect anyone to mind read.

    Pro Bono : ) or otherwise, it takes two.

    There are actually lots of examples of this happening on Houzz- when they don't, it is often because an op disappears, won't provide information, someone gets their panties in a twist, or the answer desired...."tell me this is good!" not forthcoming AND SHOULD NOT BE : )

    There's basically only one reason to get design help, here or independently

    It is to get what what you want, better than you ever imagined it could be.

    Everything else ; style, comfort, beauty, function et al is a derivative. : ) of that.

  • 14 days ago

    Jan, exactly. I see the ones that go off the rails because the OP just can't try anything or engages in endless hand wringing...and yes, I do see others where the process works really well. I remember a very extensive kitchen design where you were endlessly patient and creative and the OP was thrilled. The back-and-forth engagement and challenge to maybe think outside the box is eternally interesting; I just thought this was a cool example of "this is how it works when it really works."

  • PRO
    14 days ago
    last modified: 14 days ago

    Yup......that IS how it works: ) and it is pretty darn cool when it does. People fail to understand that most designers will walk a fair bit of broken glass to make you happy and that's half the fun. Just don't pave the entire ROAD with it lol

  • 13 days ago

    Thank you debrak6 on your kind words about my use of test runs, and for your input on my DR wall, and yes, your statement about feeling like you are in the DR totally makes sense!

    My daughter (28) has a birthday this weekend and decided to do an old-fashioned sleepover at our house with 5 of her friends lol…. Anyway, we all ate in the DR. It did not feel closed in at all and actually the room felt more comfortable. I think that goes back to what Jan was saying about having too much in the visual space. When sitting in DR facing the LR, I feel a better balance, not distracted by the other room. See just enough of the LR, but not too much. It’s amazing what just a few feet of wall can do.

    As far as getting advice on this forum. I love that so many suggestions make me think outside the box. That’s why I use the forum. I like the honesty of the comments! And like Jan said, true, I AM here to learn and see options and ideas to make what I have better.

    No more test runs needed for me! We are headed out again today to get fabric swatches for the sofas. Narrowed down sofa options with the 8-way hand ties springs. Just need the right colors.

    At first I was leaning toward green sofas, but now thinking blue. I think the right blue will go well with my green curtains. I found some inspirational pics. I also realize I can bring blue into the other rooms in my first floor as all are neutral. My Kitchen has some blue in wallpaper. And my banquet seating in kitchen has neutral color cushions, so I can add blue pillows and done.

    I will attach my inspiration pics here if I can, otherwise they will be in next message if I have trouble posting.

    Thank you all for your continued inspiration!

    Cherry Street House · More Info

  • 13 days ago
    last modified: 13 days ago

    These are the others w green and blue:
    But I would just use the blue in the sofa, leather recliners, bring green into pillows…

    But I really like the color blue in my first photo (previous post) in the "Cherry Street house" maybe not so much a Navy blue as in these photos...


  • 13 days ago

    This is my curtains color up close

  • PRO
    13 days ago
    last modified: 13 days ago

    If you want blue and green? You start with the rug, plan a nice textured natural woven sisal sort of rug,

    If you were to ask me? The green, almost ANY is better than a blue.

    Why? The very dominant fireplace. The warm tone.

    Or........find a sensational fabric...that ties in both.


    Every industry has a lag time in catching up. I was looking for some carpet for a stair the other day. The broad loom folks JUST now caught up. I couldn't believe how many luxury brands all of a sudden..had a GREEN in the mix. This after a decade of every shade of blue, blue gray, gray and blue, blue an white......etc.

    The green looks brand new all over again.: ) It's also wonderful with the fire wall.

    I played with it the other day. Of Note? You ARE gravitating to that sofa body. You have a store that carries Century....Just sayin it is a super comfy couch. Their fabrics aren't online, IN store only

  • 13 days ago

    Yes! Went to store and actually got quotes on their Century sofa last weekend and they had a full wall of fabrics to choose from.

    The other stores didn’t have much options for green so I was getting concerned w that.

    We have 2 other stores to go to also and will get swatches.

    I’ll keep you posted. :)

  • PRO
    13 days ago

    You can ALWAYS do C.O.M

    ( customers own material )

    Might raise the total price, aren't doing this again any time soon.

  • PRO
    13 days ago
    last modified: 13 days ago

    At any rate.........When you see a room and you think "oh cool" I looove that. that room probably went through a bit of customizing a lot of thought in tones, textures all of it.

    What do I want it to FEEL like is different than "I like this blue...., so I'll get blue sofas lol

    No matter what? You make a vision in your head..... and you PLAN.

    "It can start from a pillow........!!!

    and on you go.......: ) of what.......with what etc

  • PRO
    13 days ago
    last modified: 13 days ago


    and whatever exists that is hard to ignore.

    For texture. color or visual weight.

  • PRO
    13 days ago
    last modified: 13 days ago

    One Kings lane sofa below

    In slate gray velvet, not really blue, not really gray. Espresso sisal you can custom size to the inch, incredibly FORGIVING, can't find a crumb or a dog hair, great with the fire rock


    Now watch, and Lets add the curtains you own...mmmmmmmm

    maybe not.

    Lets do it with oatmeal linen : ) : ) ahhhhhhh

    Nothing lives in isolation,

    The recliner is only on there, as you said Hubby wanted,,, so It's a "sort of" tone internet grab.

    Yeah... love those kings lane ..and that very versatile four hands nest cocktail...

    It's ALLLLL in the fire.: )

  • 13 days ago
    last modified: 13 days ago

    So I never made it out of house. Our friend who is electrician came by to move our light switches on the new wall. I had to be here when he came to confirm new location then our other friend came and finished the tape/spackle. We are very fortunate to have friends who can help us so made myself available.

    I WAS able to followup w the store where I got the quote last week. I asked the salesperson I worked w to quote me the other Century sofa and pull green velvet options for me. She sent me a quote, so all was not lost.

    WOW Jan!! These vision boards and ideas are awesome! So much to comment on.

    I like the sisal. Would prefer that, but do you think I can do w this rug in DR?

    I am keeping the green curtains (just 3 years old). They are new. I pulled the green from my DR carpet.

    These are the 2 lamps I have. Was hoping to keep them, possibly get new shades to coordinate. The base is just short of 10”. I guess when I get to selecting end tables I’ll decide if possible. Was hoping to use 1 or both of these end tables (I have 2) but they look too small for these lamps.

    Really like that Kings Lane and see how you can switch out items quickly w a vision board to see if it works. So amazing.

    I would love to give it a try! Is that an app I can download?

    Thank you again. I’m very excited about this part of process!

  • PRO
    13 days ago

    Everything you do not want to hear.........

    Would I "paint " myself into a corner, into a palette over 4 curtain panels.? Particularly when you want to add panels to the patio door? Do I think blue with those is bridge too far? Yes....: )

    Not in this lifetime. Because the couches are more important. The fire dominates as well.

    THE lamps........Nobody !!! says you have to toss them. But. Would I live and die over those? Maybe not.

    The end tables you have are probably just fine.

    Start with the couch fabric, do you looove the dining room rug, and what size iis it, because rugs have been known to move.

    I realize there are two rooms. But they are, despite more wall.....rather united :)

  • 12 days ago
    last modified: 12 days ago

    Yes- agree the rooms are united. So if looking at uniting across rooms I would need to consider the kitchen as well, which has green in wallpaper and backsplash. This is banquet in my kitchen which I LOVE.

    So green is most likely better direction for me to go in while trying to coordinate the warmth throughout house and keeping cost manageable.

    The other piece in the LR is staircase and I was hoping to add a runner up the stairs to match whatever I chose for LR.

    The rug in DR is 9x15.5. But I am open to changing out rug if makes best sense.

    The only other room in house this rug could fit is my entry room (11.4x17) which has its own set of challenges. :) I was going to save that challenge for another time. lol

    The rest of the rooms on this floor are office, bathroom and mudroom.

    Re lamps, end tables: I agree expendable, I just included in case they would work.

    Re curtains: Reason I would like to keep is that I had them custom made about 2-3 years ago and spent over $2k on them. Maybe was a mistake but at time but I thought I was on right track coordinating my DR rug and the green in the FP…ugh

    Ok - so I think to summarize what I need to do…FOCUS on couch fabric and I need that fabric to work well w firewall and curtains.

    Thanks so much again! You are keeping me thinking and moving forward!

    Headed to city today to see show w my daughter. :)

  • PRO
    12 days ago
    last modified: 12 days ago

    You like the muddier more organic colors. Not sure where that brighter blue came from : )?

    You might want to get over the idea of dark couches,,,,,,,,,maybe a more oatmeal tone, lighter. Yes , I know you have a dog. Get him a bed : )

    I love animals btw.......They are as "with you" on the floor as on the couch lol - it's probably too late for that.

  • 12 days ago

    That blue was my bad! Originally was looking for Green couch. I got diverted by pretty pic!

    My dog is mostly white w black spots. :) thinks he’s a lap dog which he is certainly not!

  • PRO
    12 days ago
    last modified: 12 days ago

    As to "my bad" ? Yes...... it is exactly why designers become cranky/ intolerant of a client who begins surfing, surfing, surfing the internet, consulting their kids, neighbors. ( "hey! If Becky next door is a genius, you need to hire HER!") It's a version of group think, DESIGN BY COMMITTEE and it is usually a path to nowhere or disaster.: ) Lol

    I will could be a good time to get a local to you designer. You may say, "don't want to, can't spend the money". Can you "afford" a result you don't love? After the money is spent? Nothing, not even here.....replaces the one on one, or the on your site view of everything.

    You are prone to loving a lot of pattern, a perhaps too healthy dose of black,,,, and a lot of stuff: )? along with the urge to fill every nook and cranny. Yes?

    I'd not cling to:

    The color of the curtain panels, if you find them boxing you into a corner - yes you spent money, but the $$$ INCLUDED the dining room. The family is less and there ARE some really decent things ready made. doesn't need to match the dining room in color. Or? You adore them, and you re think the sofa to lighter tones.

    There are incredible broad looms that can be made to great area rugs, and yes can be repeated on a stair. It's a question of staying on your message.

  • 12 days ago

    You have been so helpful and I am so sorry I had that diversion! Definitely the surfing did me in! Yikes

    I need to stay focused!

    I am open to a lighter tone sofa. So let me play around with creating some of my own vision boards and see where that leads me. The ones you posted really inspired me to do the same.

    As far as stuff, you have not seen all of my before. Lol I have been purging ALOT, little at time, but Big Brothers/Sisters has been doing very well w my donations! Also sold a few things.

    I was doing one room at a time but understand I need to get things out of way also before diving in.

    Will consider curtain change. I can possibly move them to entry room.

    Thanks for the push out of my comfort. Worth investigating.

  • PRO
    12 days ago
    last modified: 12 days ago

    Yes..... you said the five MAGIC words....." out of my comfort zone"

    Add..... : ) In a good way to a good result you love.

    After a period of time, nobody really sees their own space. It all becomes so familiar - it's like wallpaper, or a dying plant in a corner.

    It's also why it isn't uncommon for one designer to call another.

    "What?! whaddaya need me for, you do this for a living!"

    Except......even we get lulled into complacency, especially when busy doing OTHERS.

  • 11 days ago

    A circular or square seating arrangement is comfortable and promotes easy group conversation. So sad that she has sold you this seating arrangement. Then, again, tells you (yelling at you) move the furniture and GET OVER IT! Wow. You will regret this seating arrangement and so will your friends. Beverly gave you a great idea and MAE Day showed you what Beverly was telling you. Have you tried her suggestion out for a Test?

    By the way you can hang the TV on the stone using a diamond tipped masonry drill bit. You tape off the spot, mark it and the drill goes through like butter without damaging the stone. I have done it. Then the electrician pulls the wires and cable. from the nearby outlet up through the Mantal into a shallow box (specifically made for this). No mantal removal is necessary. You have the option of cutting it back so it is not as deep. Also, as mentioned earlier, there are swing arms that are made specifically for stone and brick. Done that too. I posted pics earlier of that with a video so you could see what I was talking about.

    You say you like to lay down to watch TV. So put one in your bedroom. Yeah, I know, TV's don't belong in bedrooms, but who cares. Ours works just fine for my wife and me. We even have a sitting area so we can hang out there if we want to give our guests some space or have our own space.

    A circular or square seating arrangement promotes the following. To Quote:

    "Conversations are the heartbeat of any social gathering, and how you arrange your furniture can either facilitate lively chats or hinder them. Creating conversational areas fosters intimacy, ensures comfort, and promotes interaction.

    A conversational area is a space where people can sit and talk without straining their necks or raising their voices. It's where stories are shared, laughs are had, and memories are made."

    "The way you arrange your seating can transform your living room from just a room into a lively, interactive space. It's about creating an environment that not only looks welcoming but also subtly guides the social flow, making every get-together an event to remember. "

  • 11 days ago

    what a weird comment

    tell me you're a man without telling me you're a man

  • PRO
    11 days ago
    last modified: 11 days ago

    @ The end of the line

    As if your first comment was not rude enough?

    Now this.......ironically at the end of the LINE.

    "So sad that she has sold you this seating arrangement. Then, again, tells you (yelling at you) move the furniture and GET OVER IT! Wow. You will regret this seating arrangement and so will your friends. Beverly gave you a great idea and MAE Day showed you what Beverly was telling you. Have you tried her suggestion out for a Test?"

    I "sold" the op NOTHING. I gave her an option, several, similar as you noted. At no point have I yelled at her, caps simply making a point : ) The op has a sense of humor, she is open to trying., as she immediately did , with a sheet and cardboard and dragging furniture. Her hubby then declared,........" this is great !".

    The arrangement has been tried, tested with friends. Go back and read the entire thread , allll of it, and then??

    Get the heck of your very HIGH, very snarky, very disparaging and insulting, horse. You are 10 days late and beyond RUDE.

    If you want to know why talented/experienced/helpful ( free btw ) PROS drop off this site, never to be heard from again? It is people exactly like you ( hiding safely behind a screen name, no less). Spell COWARD. Caps intentional

  • 11 days ago
    last modified: 11 days ago

    The Endoftheline:

    1st: I have NOT been sold on anything.

    2nd: It NEVER even crossed my mind that I was being yelled at, yikes! All comments, (caps and lower case) are appreciated. How else am I to make my room better without getting HONEST and CONSTRUCTIVE feedback? And in Jan’s case, I appreciate her sense of humor. It makes this process FUN.

    3rd: If you read thru the posts, we HAVE test trialed several of the other suggestions.

    4th: My husband and I DO NOT like the TV over the FP. There is a picture somewhere in the post of my husbanding putting the template up. We don’t like the way it looks at all. Final decision.

    5th: I want to add on to Jan’s statement about designers dropping off… I would also add that as an OP, some (not me, you won’t scare me off) may be hesitant to continue to participate on this forum with the insult you directed to me being “sold”, and telling me after I made my decision and have actually implemented part of the improvement that I “will regret my decision” is not constructive.

  • 11 days ago

    Hi Everyone - I AM done with my room layout decision!

    Thank you all for your much appreciated feedback, ideas, pictures and pitches to get me here. Special thanks to @JAN MOYER !

    When I have my vision board complete, I will start a new thread to share my color vision with you. And then hopefully, eventually you will see a completed room.

    Thank you! :)

  • 11 days ago

    Post the new photos and eveything here so we can continue to follow along.

  • 10 days ago
    last modified: 10 days ago

    Just a quick update...

    I discovered FreeForm on my iPad allows me to create a "vision" board. So now I am having so much fun creating a vision board for my LR\DR! It is super helpful to do this!

    I measured and also discovered that I can possibly move the green curtains in my LR\DR into my front room. I was looking to change that room layout and curtains anyway, so certainly an option. I have a white couch in there, so not concerned with that one!

    Of course, knowing me, I have to move 2 of the panels in there first to see how I like it, but I have to do that when my husband isn't around. hehe :) Otherwise he will think I am crazy for even thinking of moving them after our purchase.

    Headed this weekend to the furniture store where I saw the Century sofa to get swatches in various colors.


  • PRO
    10 days ago

    I created a monster...............

    That said, it keeps you on track : )!

  • 6 days ago

    Hi- quick update…
    I picked up sample fabrics swatches for my couches today. It’s hard to see true color in photos. I brought the curtain fabric to help me coordinate.
    One is Forest green and the other is a cinder

    Century sofa will be sending me fabric swatches. I couldn’t take any home from their store.

    These are the Kincaid fabrics. They have best price so far for the 8wayhandtied and seems like more fabric options.

    Working w designer in store. She pushed me to try the weave to see if I liked in room. I like the solid green in daylight, the weave in evening due to how dark the green looks in the room at night.

    Other fabrics you see are to coordinate pillows.

    Will need to go back, but will have designer come to home also to see full picture.


  • 5 days ago

    I have absolutely LOVED reading this thread! JAN, you gave AMAZING advice and truly pushed dencarson into ”the pool”. Its like testing to see if she could swim AND SHE COULD!!! I feel like I could read dencarson being challenged to learn ”new strokes” and THRIVING!! Well done to both of you!! JAN, so much advice, and for free… what a gift!

  • PRO
    5 days ago
    last modified: 5 days ago

    OY!!! I hate to tell you how long you will wait for those memo samples from Century.......

    What ARE they? Go back and write them down. My own design center may have them. Was there a name of your curtain fabric . a brand, a color when you did them?

    I also would not "build a house" on those panels, despite you had them made custom. The GAG you 2k price included the dining room. You are clinging to FOUR curtain panels so maybe......? Don't cling. The couches are a lot more money than 4 curtain panels- which are also.....darkening the room.: )?

    That white background whatever it ,.is TOO white and too jarring, even for pillows which never ever look good in white anything., especially on a deeply colored couch.

    Furniture companies, all of them, offer accent pillow options to a sofa. Skip it!!! Do your own, and take the boring covers off the matched to the couch they provided. Are you wasting money doing that? No.....the price of the couch would not change if you said "I need no pillows" There are great accent pillows online..

    Biggest elements first

  • 4 days ago
    last modified: 4 days ago

    Thanks so much for the encouragement @scrunched and agree of course with advice from @JAN MOYER bc I couldn’t have gotten this far wo her pushing me into the pool! lol

    Yes, yes agree to logic re my curtains but just wanted to try once if I could find anything there that would match those curtains. And agree it is limiting me.

    And good news is, Yes to my ability to repurpose the 4 panels in my LR and 2 from DR to front room, leaving 2 panels. I can live w that.

    I had company today so couldn’t go back yesterday, but I did reach out to the Kincaid sales person to look for other green options, and told her not to worry about matching to curtains.

    I will followup w Century sales and curtain mfg to get those official fabric colors. (ugh I can’t find in my photos)

    Question re fabric type: what are your thoughts on textured fabrics? Are they good for lounging comfortably? Or am I better off w smooth fabrics?

    Sales sent me a textured fabric photo yesterday like this w green which will be among the greens that I will pickup during the week.

    Love that tip about the pillows!

    Update: I found my invoice for my curtains. They are Morris Linens 67 with privacy lining.


  • 4 days ago

    Its looking lovely, and @JAN MOYER please correct me if I'm wrong, but the pics of fabrics are showing the backside of the fabric. every other fabric sample I've looked at had the info tab on the non facing side. for some fabrics this can be a very different color/ look so sure you are viewing them correctly.

  • 4 days ago

    Hi @wsea - Thanks for the heads up! The pics that I posted are the front side of the fabric. This mfg places the fabric info on the front. I was working with the sales person so I can confirm that. But that is good info to know as I continue to search for fabrics. :)

  • PRO
    4 days ago
    last modified: 4 days ago

    Only mills and dedicated fabric sources put the information on back side.

    A sofa mfg...makes a cut/finish sample and gives it a "grade" and puts it on the FRONT of the sample. here...the 69. It's 100% Poly, and unless a very loose weave....the single fiber should not pill.

    The 69 represents the Kinkaid grade....and their pricing on that grade which is factored in WITH your sofa and final pricing at finish.

    Just about the most comfortable fabric is a performance velvet......and one of the reasons you see so many of them.

    You can ask the price of the Century in YOU provide the fabric, ( purchase separately, the store ships it to Century ) ) or the store has a fabric selection section for any and all purposes, and as just above.

    Blended fabric fibers are the most prone to pilling. An all polyester is far better than one with another fiber. The higher the "rub count" the less chance of pilling or wear out. Often you will see a rub count of 100,000 or even more. You will be six feet under before it wears out and so will the couch. .........200,000 below.

    Example.......( basically, a performance velvet. )

  • 4 days ago

    Weird because i swear Lee ind. and Cisco are the other way around. but i‘ll definitely defer to the pros.


  • PRO
    4 days ago

    I don't use Lee.......but could be an exception to the 99%? : )