E daylilies 2025
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A daylilies 2025
Comments (22)Running late on the posts. We had about 8 inches of snow with an ice storm mixed in. And we were out of power for about 10 hours. Needless to say, quite busy! Sunny today but still frozen, with ice all over everything. Tomorrow another 4-6 inches of snow predicted. And on top of all this, my main computer where all the daylily pics are stopped connecting to the internet. Have to deal with the warranty issues now. I copied last years folder to a laptop so i can post here. Sherry, My favorite is Awesome Arts. And I agree, I like the mix of flowers in some of your pics. Maryl, Angel Kim is quite pretty. Nancy, My favorite of yours today is the seedling from Deborah. Debra, All My Love to You really strikes me today. Mantis, Alone Again and Aquas Asul are both beautiful. David, Alpha and Omega is quite pretty! It deserves a home! Allegheny Skyline is a very good bloomer. Astral Voyager. I got this the same year as Allegheny above from Debra and love them both. Applique Amethyst Art, my only double Art Gallery Expressionism. Say goodbye, it is gone. I blooms so rarely & so few it is not worth the space. that's all. Brad...See MoreJ daylilies 2025
Comments (11)Love all the pictures of JOAN DERIFIELD. I missed taking a picture of mine. Debra: Love the Bubblegun Queen #2 seedling. Brad: I like your seedlings. Kate: Of course I like Jellyfish Jealousy and Jazz Me Blues. I enjoy seeing how the same plant performs in different environments and cultures. I also know that there are a myriad of factors that impact bloom appearance in person and over a screen and the type of camera. Jazz Me Blues certainly looks darker than mine. JP MONEYBAGS: A consistent performer JAMAICAN MIDNIGHT JAZZ ME BLUES: Showing a slight pattern Janet Grebus Murphy JELLYFISH JEALOUSY JORDAN'S JAZZ: Bloomed while sitting in a bucket awaiting a permanent home in the garden. This came home with me from my visit to Cottage Gardens. That is all from me. David...See MoreM daylilies 2025
Comments (23)Maleny Empire Rose I remember is an Australian one. The white midrib is vivid against the hot rose, but I also remember that it is not a good increaser. Metaphor is appealing; Gates produced a lot of good plants. I still have Sultry Siren, and it captures attention from visitors. Moroccan Sunrise has that vintage Munson watermark; I see that it is rather short. Mystic Maize's picture is a light yellow that I like. I wonder why some pics show a golden yellow. I like it, but fear that it would be too late for me. Years ago, I remember Richard Norris saying that Momentum was a good parent. It has over 100 progeny. Mary Alice Stokes was not good this past year. Few blooms. It is a Hansen. Nice face on Mystic Greens. Mary's Baby got zapped by the heat this past year, but Mary Lightfine (an evergreen) looked good. It's not in a prime location, Mister Mayor is vigorous and attractive. I prefer a scape that is not so upfacing. Mean Green I don't remember having an off year. Mai Tai had a so-so year. My Utmost for His Highest. A tall plant with flowers that are rather upfacing. Blooms later than I like. Marian Cavanagh has eye-catching flowers. Buds can be crowded. Man of Sorrows was especially vivid. Makayla Jenelle is a color that I like. Scapes are not really high above the foliage, but stand out. Mystery of the Ages needs to add a few inches in height. We shall see. I enjoyed the variable forms of Madam Bessemar in 2024 (Schwarz). Minnesota Nice blooms in abundance. A bit lighter than usual in 2024 heat. Money Maker is a nice earlier one. Does better than RFK did. Miss Marie. Fairly short so far. My Heart Belongs to Daddy was recently divided. Make It Snappy came into its own last season. Mitch Lynd glows. It is fairly short, but well budded (Norris). Mardi Gras Indian is an intense color. Emmerich's Mighty in Battle is a deep color. I would prefer a slightly larger bloom. Mister Butters is a beacon in the early garden. A neighbor always comments on it....See MoreN daylilies 2025
Comments (17)I see several N's here that I used to grow. Nile Princess was a decent performer for me, but the seedlings I got out of it were all surprisingly ugly. I loved North Wind Dancer despite its leaning scapes, but it didn't make the final cut. I chose not to bring dips or lates with me. No Boys Allowed never had a bud count higher than 9 and was a reluctant pod setter, so it got left behind. The photos of it posted here show how striking the blooms are. It always multiplied well and was quite photogenic - especially in a clump. Kate - I'm surprised Neon Flamingo hasn't multiplied well for you. It was a good multiplier for me - except in drought years. I sold several divisions and gave some fans away over the years. Navajo Pony is one I'm always drawn to, but it never did much for me. Mantis - Navajo Warrior and Nelson Mandela are both beauties - even if they are only 5 inchers. Natalie Antoinette looks good! I would like to have that one again, especially if it grows well in a northern climate. Sherry - That pic of Night Moves is gorgeous! Nan - I love Now or Never! Good to know a DeVito does well for you. I'm hoping So Irresistible will thrive here. Brad - Lovely photo of NWD! Your seedlings from it look great. I especially like the one with Carmen Renee as the other parent. Is that one a late bloomer? Here's my photo of Nile Princess from last year. It's now growing in three friends' gardens. North Wind Dancer often had high bud counts for me and, grown in full sun, only leaned after storms. I did love those twirly, curly petals. I may replace it at some point. Debra...See MoreRelated Professionals
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- 28 days ago
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