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Misaligned Fireplace and Coffered Ceiling

last month
last modified: last month

I need reassurance that it is going to look ok if our fireplace/built-ins are not centered underneath our coffered ceiling. I just noticed when we added a coffered ceiling to our floorplan, the builder shifted our fireplace over on the plan. I intended for it to be centered on the wall, not centered in the room. My builder thinks it will look horrible if we move the fireplace back to where I originally wanted it. I would rather nix the fireplace and built-ins altogether. I am attaching a photo of the current construction. The view is from my kitchen. You can see where the ceiling fan is wired at the very top (black speck) and the builder wants to align the fireplace with it. I prefer to move the fireplace to the right where I would place my furniture and just omit the celing fan as it will throw everything off. We are rebuilidng a house we previosly lived in. The living room was always centered on the wall as there is a walkway from the master bedroom to the kitchen and we will have our piano there also. On the second photo I have marked in red the walkway and where I think the fireplace should go. I am attaching a photo from the web of what this could potentially look like and I don't think it looks that bad.

We did not have a coffered ceiling when we built this house before. My builder told me to consult an interior designer so I am looking to you all for help. Thank you in advance.

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