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Ideas for a Free Spirits Cocktail Party-- Updated OP

25 days ago
last modified: 3 days ago

Taking the Surgeon General’s advice to heart — and having drastically reduced alcohol consumption already over the past five years— I am ready to go alcohol free and would like to give a cocktail party in February or March with alcohol free or de-alcoholized wine and spirits.

I’ve ordered about six bottles of wine from the Wirecutter’s “best of” list, ordered several fruit shrubs and am in the process of resesrching and selecting spirits. I also plan to try my hand at making shrubs, as pairing flavors is something of a talent of mine. There will be no alcohol served— and I don’t want people to bring their own or a bottle as a hostess gift and am trying to think of a way to word the invitation to state this nicely or cleverly (or both).

The drinks must all be tried and tested and combinations experimented with before I decide on the menu, but one thing I am definitely going to order from our club is their fried zucchini blossoms stuffed with marscspone. I will probsbly make everything else.

Ideas…..experiences? Reactions? Would you come if invited?

Update: I'm having the invitations printed and they are nice and informative. The front of the invitation directs the recipient to read the back:

which spells out the how and why of the event. (Names, address and rsvp info on the front blurred before posting.) I designed and ordered 40 of these online from Vistaprint. We are having two such parties: one on 2/28 for friends and one in March for all the neighbors--it will be our group activity for March. It was much less expensive to leave the date field blank and order all the invitations that way so I can write in the date of each party as needed. We'll need 25 invitations for the neighborhood and 15 for our regular friends. I'm expecting about 24 people in February (smaller crowd to test drive the party set up) and about 30 - 35 at the neighborhood do.

Will let you know as I am deciding what the make for party #1; at party #2 the neighbors will bring the canapes.

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