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Calling Lacanche owners...I need some advice on ovens!

last month

I am looking at the Chagny 1400/Chemin (UK) model which allows different oven types, like many of them. Apparently, if one gets a gas oven, you cannot have an induction top so that is a consideration.

I have never cooked with a Lacanche so not sure how gas, electric (static) and electric convection are different. On paper yes, but in reality, no. Can you help?

I have read that the convection does not brown evenly so if you are making baked goods, you need to rotate trays. This is a huge pain IMO and it also loses heat when you do that. I also don't like the fact that the oven is that much smaller. But maybe it is amazing?

How does a normal electric compare to the convection for those that have both? Do you prefer one over the other?

And I have read good things about gas and like the idea since I grew up with a gas oven. I also have some concerns about health issues with gas as apparently it can be toxic as the gas can emit various toxic elements into the air even when it is off. Not sure if Lacanche would do that or only cheaper ovens.

Any tips or advice? This would be the largest purchase of my life outside of a car and house, so I am a wee bit nervous and do not want to make the wrong choice.

I am leaning towards one gas and one electric (static) oven but not sure if I should choose a different configuration.


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