Steam shower. Love em or hate em?
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What about Japanese maples? Love 'em or hate 'em?
Comments (1)I heard a botanist from Morris Arboretum in Philadelphia, PA state that he believes Acer palmatum will become an invasive. I used to see large colonies of them in PA where the area was wild and not mowed and a parent plant was not very far away across the road. I have one Japanese maple here and will keep an eye on any seedlings....See MoreBamboo needles -- love 'em or hate 'em?
Comments (11)I have some old nylon plastic circulars I bought used on Ebay, so I do not know what they are really made of or by whom, but I love them. The "hip" at the join between the needle and the cable is so gradual and smooth that my yarn never hangs up there. And my hands do not get cold with these needles. I also like metal needles but in the winter my hands get cold using them. I have made larger knitting needles of wood dowel, and they work great, especially for slippery yarns. I have not tried bamboo. But you might try making the bamboo more slippery by rubbing them with waxed paper....See MoreLoveseats - Love 'em? Hate 'em?
Comments (14)If space is limited (choice of either loveseat or one chair, not enough room for two chairs without crowding) and you need to maximize the number of people you can seat in that room, I'd definitely go with the loveseat. I've never had a problem with getting two people to sit on a loveseat, but unless someone sits on the arms (bad!) or the people involved are very small you can't get more than one person in a typical chair. It's also more comfortable for one person to spread out with her feet up on a loveseat. ;-) We bought a loveseat (really a settee) for our LR because there was only room with the couch for either a small loveseat and a single chair. Since the room is small enough that only two other chairs could fit into it, we went for maximum seating capacity. :-) One full-length couch IS mandatory in our household for napping, although since DH is only 5'9" we didn't need one of the monster-long ones, thank heavens. (We don't have a formal LR.) I do really dislike having only loveseats and no couch though, unless it's a formal space, because as Ronniroo says you can't really lie down (even 5'2" me finds it a bit crowded). I have never had a problem with getting three people on a couch though (in my main social group, sometimes people even will argue over who gets the middle spot if particularly cuddleworthy people are on the ends! LOL). I wonder why so many people have that problem. I mean, if you're sprawling with your feet up on the couch, or if you have enough seating where a third person doesn't need to sit on the couch, that's something else entirely. I don't often see three people on a couch with another empty seating item right next to it, unless the grouping is spaced so widely that people have to speak overly loudly to be heard, they're plotting something ;-) or they just want to be cuddly....See MoreExtended family - love 'em or hate 'em?
Comments (15)The only family member I had problems with was my alcoholic/drug using Brother in law. He died from his lifestyle. Caused a lot of problems for the family. W I managed to allow him to be part of our family for DHs and DMIL's sake but we knew lock things up and hide the bottles. Like many people of his ilk he could be quite charming when he wasn't drinking, drugging, scamming or demanding some sort of delusional entitlement. I have been recently back in touch with my niece and am happy that she seems to have finally broken the pattern of the dysfunction she was raised in. After a rocky start she has a good guy in her life and 3 happy healthy boys. LOVE my DD's in-laws. We are instant family. They love my DD and we in turn love their DS. All of us clicked instantly. Truly a happy blended family. Boths DHs are quite and we moms are the outgoing ones in personalities. The men just sit and shake their heads when we get together. The "kids" just sigh and smile a lot. ;-) In a few days DSILs brother will be getting married. We will add one more to our small clan. I also love my son's lady. She is perfect for him and I consider her my DDIL. They have been together the longest of the "kids". Her mom loves him too which I am told is quite an accomplishment. Bad men history and mistrust in her DDs choices I guess. But my DS is the apple of her eye. I like her too. Unlike my DDs inlaws we don't have as much in common but I really like her and we get along just fine. We are a small family. I only have two cousins and a one brother. One cousins has one DD. We don't see each other often but we all like each other. For many years I was estranged from them due to conflict between my mother and her brother. We all feel we missed out because of it....See MoreRelated Professionals
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