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Should we add cabinets to extend our kitchen island...

14 days ago

Hello, we are changing our kitchen island from two level to one larger, counter height island. We were thinking about adding 12" cabinets on the other side of the knee wall (which will be cut down to counter height) and extending the island countertop 12" over the new cabinets. Any ideas as to how to integrate the cabinets so the wall on the side still looks clean. I was thinking about adding a shorter row of cabinets so you wouldn't see the end of the cabinet when you walk into the house, but that creates a corner under the island overhang... would that look bad? Any ideas? Shiplap the side of the remaining knee wall to extend the wall another 12" so you wouldn't see the side of the new cabinets?

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Uncommon Interiors
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Turnkey Interior Design Studio in Loudoun County, VA