How to Soften Exterior of House to Match Interior
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Should the interior and exterior of a front door match?
Comments (5)Spanish cedar is fairly soft for a door. It's equivalent to white pine. It dents very easily. I would suggest Sapelle instead, it should be the same cost or perhaps a bit cheaper; the good Spanish Cedar has become hard to find. It was "plentiful and cheap" 10 years ago. Anyway, both of these woods exhibit wavy grain patterns that can create blotchiness. I would stain on top of a sealer coat to prevent this. Make sure the stain is light-fast (no dyes; earth pigments only) But with an exterior exposure you need a top coat with the highest amount of UV protection, so you aren't having to revarnish every year. With a top-quality varnish you can extend this to three years between re-coats. If you wait too long it will have to be stripped and start fresh. Aside: sapelle is quite a bit darker than Sp. Ced. to begin with, and a small amount of color will render an amazing mahgany or walnut color. Casey...See MorePaint pergola to match exterior or stain to match interior?
Comments (26)Go find out what's the best paint/stain for redwood. I do know that redwood bleeds through regular opaque stains. Cabot opaque stains can be tinted to Ben Moore colors but if you want to leave it natural, you'll probably want a clear coat of some kind. Do not trust any information you get about these stains from Lowe's or Home Depot, even though they sell it, the person helping you isn't always familiar with the product. Find yourself a stand- alone paint store that sells decking and siding stain. PS. Thompson's Weather Shield isn't the right product for this....See MoreDoes the exterior of a house have to match the interior?
Comments (32)beckysharp, I will be happy to post pictures eventually. There are some things that are still undone and I am embarrassed because I have asked the good people here for advice and am still dithering, like with the dining room, where I still have the track lighting and want a chandelier and can't decide between a few really good choices. Plus the window treatments are not finished and it's been an eon since they were ordered, problems with fabric, then problems with workroom, yada, yada....See Moreinterior & Exterior Trim Style—should it match?
Comments (8)You already did the inside, yes? The inside trim, while you may love Craftsman style, is at odds with the feeling of the house. Just a simpler, palin and beefier trim to the exterior. Craftsman, is SO obviously a trim style, it is best where it makes sense.......and the doors are particularly telling. Some styles work anywhere. A single recessed panel, a two panel at most. Neither screams any specific style. Craftsman is another story, altogether. In your home? It's the pics below. Fits.....and maybe too much a style "stretch". Nobody would suggest that a sixties or seventies home must retain slab doors and ranch molding. But you don't want a gigantic "surprise" , either. You can't take a frosted San Francisco Victorian, and be anything but shocked to find it stripped of all trim inside, anymore than a farmhouse would be laden with gooey frosting INSIDE. For those expensive re trimming projects? Consider the feel. Carefully. : )...See MoreRelated Professionals
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