UPDATED New year, new resolution to complete our kitchen remodel!!!!
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New Years Resolutions for the garden
Comments (28)I wasn't posting last year, but my resolutions were to: 1. Spend more time in the garden, not just to work out there, but enjoying it (COMPLETE) 2. Design a pretty spot to help hide the utility trailer that we have (COMPLETE) 3. Redo the front fence so the utility trailer isn't sitting on the driveway and in the pretty spot (INCOMPLETE) 4. Fill out back bed with plant materials (COMPLETE) 5. Create a veggie garden (COMPLETE) 6. Gate off around the back of the shed so the dog doesn't run at the garden at full tilt from behind (INCOMPLETE) Overally, my garden got a lot of use last year. I had tea parties with girlfriends, birthday parties for my hubbie and stargazing parties with friends. I was able to build a veggie garden and with the remaining soil (I way over estimated) was able to build a mimicking flower bed (with no plants yet) on the other side of the patio. I bought over 100 plants to fill in my garden over the year (we have a local grower that sells any plant, all plants for $5 in a 1-gallon pot so I didn't manage to break the bank too badly either). My husband got into the veggie gardening and has told me that it's off limits to me now...LOL For this year, I want to finish all the things I didn't get done from last year as well as filling in the new patio bed and rearranging my front deck and putting new gardens around it (whether or not I fill them this year is yet to be determined). I have some expansion plans in mind for the back, but again, I'd like to have them dug over in the fall ready to be filled for the next year....excited to see all that 2011 has to offer....See MoreNEW: new years resolution robin
Comments (126)Wow Mellen you out did your self today i got my package i got books and more books and i like them all,they are taste of home backyardliving boston terrior book and i love it. how to build bird houses living roses for dummies i need that i got bunch of roses light and tasty 3 quick cooking birds in bloom thank you so much i didnt have many book im new to tast of home from my mom i just subscribed to it,and i was looking at the birds in bloom im going to sub to it too.thank you so much great to have gw friends.daylilymom.I enjoyed this exchange didnt have time to send alot to mine was sick and grandkids sick.I hope she enjoys what i did send,god bless you all....See MoreHappy New Year! Any Cooking Resolutions for 2013?
Comments (26)Jude, when we cleaned out the fridge, I had three jars of Vietnamese dipping sauces, all of them different, to be used with spring or summer rolls. They keep for a long time, but I need to use them up. I also had three different Thai marinades, and I should have used the old ones instead of making new ones. I have horseradish root in the fridge, and I need to make a sauce with that as well. Pam, when Bernard comes to do landscaping in the fall, he helps me clean out the fridge by eating leftovers. Maybe I can resolve to make smaller portions. I bought smaller plates so that we would eat less, but that strategy has not been working that well. When I make pasta, I only make just what we can eat at one meal (unless it is lasagna or fresh ravioli), but that is one of the few times I cook just what we can eat. Another is fish - I only buy enough fish for two servings at a time because it is expensive. Lars...See MoreWhat Are Your Cooking (And Other) New Years Resolutions?
Comments (30)I have the tendency to overwhelm myself. I'll decide that since I have ricotta I could make lasagna, then I'll decide that I should really make fresh pasta for it, then I'll decide that since I don't really like meat in my lasagna, I should also make some grilled chicken, and while I'm at it, I should cut up and roast that squash that's languishing on the counter, and then it's 9 pm, every dish in the house is dirty, and dinner still isn't ready. Thus, my resolution is to aim lower. I might operationalize this desired simplicity as follows: -at least one dish must contain two food groups (defined as protein, carb, veggie) or the veggie must be microwaved with no additional fuss or the first dish must be able to wait while the second dish is cooked in the same vessel. -dry carbs prevail: Sometimes I end up cooking two carb dishes because the meal feels too wet. If I know I'm going to want crackers or with my soup, I don't need to put rice or noodles in it. If I know I'm going to want toast with my eggs, I don't need potatoes too. -one vegetable is enough -the refrigerator should remain 25% empty, or be subjectively easy to navigate. -I will start the week with one or more of the following: washed and chopped veggies, cut up meat, raw dough, plain cooked rice or pasta. -I will use my gift card to the World Spice Merchants to buy whole spice blends. I will use them, and I will feel like my one-pot meal is legitimate cooking....See MoreRelated Professionals
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Diana Bier Interiors, LLC