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Advice on Pruning Fig Trees

last month

Hi all,

I'm looking for advice on how to prune my fig tree. I inherited this fig tree nearly 2 years ago when we bought our house - I do not have a history w/ pruning or figs. I have done some research, but I'm not not 100% confident on what to do. A few notes:

  • The tree had nearly 8 main branches coming from the base, but after a bad wind storm, I'm only left with 2-3 main branches.
  • The tree is very healthy and produces hundreds of figs in the late summer
  • The tree's main 2 branches are now nearly 10-11 ft tall.

My goal is to prune the tree back to make it more "bush" looking so that I have a denser tree where I can grab the figs.

In order to achieve that goal, I have some questions:

  1. Should I "head back" the two main branches (I've attached a picture of where I think I should make the cut)
  2. Should I completely cut off the 3rd small branch to help focus on the main 2?
  3. Is there any additional pruning I should do to start shaping the tree to be more of a denser bush?

Appreciate any and all advice!

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