A daylilies 2025
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F daylilies 2025
Comments (23)I see that Flaming Phoenix is the parent of Fire and Water. John Benz is still living, is he not? Fear Not is a very vivid color. I must note though that its height is not always consistent here. Yes, I wish that Flight of Orchids looked like Kate's pictures here. It does okay though. Frieda Allen Jerrell is such a nice lavender; if only it were a faster grower. I see that Funny Valentine is a Blaney. He has a number of intros with very saturated color. Forever Everett --a newer Hanson. Flying Trapeze stands above neighboring plants. Of only my Fried Green Tomatoes did as well as Kate's. Flirts in Skirts --still fairly new here Faith That Moves Mountains is not a fast grower here. But it does need dividing in the estate garden. From Sea to Shining Sea is a tall and vigorous Emmerich. Fight or Flight --Emmerich, out of Alpha and Omega. Yet another Fear Not. Seems to always be a bitone here. Farm Girls --I like the shape of this Davisson. Will see how it does here. For Ever and For Always--a Wilkerson that is a vivid color. This year, it was shorter than usual. Free the Captives --an Emmerich that has good height....See MoreH daylilies 2025
Comments (20)Nan, does Heavenly Grave Digger bloom with upfacing blooms like parent Vampire Fish.? I messaged you, but you may be like Debra and don't receive messages. I generally like the blossoms of taller ones to look at me, not the sky. I like the colors of Highly Venomous, but then saw the 5-inch size. Perhaps you can add some size to it. Kate, I'm surprised to hear that Hush Little Baby isn't prolific in MS. I agree about Heartbeat of Heaven--a matter of when it's good. Hearts of Glass--what do you think of it? Hawaiian Swirls had to be deleted here too. Yes, the occasional flowers could be nice, but wanted to be hundreds of miles farther south. So many nice H's pictured already; too many to name. Here are some faces of Hey Soul Sister. Its bud Count is not an attribute. Hot Buttered Rum has good bud count, but like many, seemed washed out last year. I was surprised to see Nan's darker picture. It is a tall plant, blooming fairly late. Heman was not a strong performer last year, and colors were lighter in the bleaching heat. Court Troubadour to right. Heroes on Horseback bloomed before the first heat wave. Nicely spaced flowers; airy presentation. Handwriting on the Wall had fewer blooms after division, but still looked good. Half Moon Key surprised with its strong performance earlier in the season. Heavenly United We Stand always has a picture-worthy scape. Heavenly Star Fire is a very large and tall bloom. Hiding Place, not particularly vigorous, looked very good, with nice clear colors this past summer. Emmerich. Heartbeat of Heaven, in a full-sun location, had a good year How Lovely You Are has delicate hues. It can be very well budded, but was recently divided. The Rices' last years hybridizing unfortunately turned to the Doorakian line, and I don't see of their last intros popping up. Of course, it is typical that the last intros aren't well distributed....See MoreJ daylilies 2025
Comments (11)Love all the pictures of JOAN DERIFIELD. I missed taking a picture of mine. Debra: Love the Bubblegun Queen #2 seedling. Brad: I like your seedlings. Kate: Of course I like Jellyfish Jealousy and Jazz Me Blues. I enjoy seeing how the same plant performs in different environments and cultures. I also know that there are a myriad of factors that impact bloom appearance in person and over a screen and the type of camera. Jazz Me Blues certainly looks darker than mine. JP MONEYBAGS: A consistent performer JAMAICAN MIDNIGHT JAZZ ME BLUES: Showing a slight pattern Janet Grebus Murphy JELLYFISH JEALOUSY JORDAN'S JAZZ: Bloomed while sitting in a bucket awaiting a permanent home in the garden. This came home with me from my visit to Cottage Gardens. That is all from me. David...See MoreP and Q daylilies 2025
Comments (38)Some of the database pics of Pray W Ceasing are obviously taken in low light, which creates the blue-purple effect. I have not grown it long enough to get different hues, nor have the summers been cool. Favorite Davisson purple? Well, Make It Snappy looked very saturated this past year, but this was the first year (after several) that it showed off. In contrast, Natty Man has had years with good height, appealing flower placement (Make It is rather upfacing, as I recall), and a nice watermark eye--except that I am not sure it even bloomed last summer (after a crazy winter/spring). Deep Dark Secret is shorter, a big gorgeous flat flower, but sometimes can be imperfect. Mister Mayor has more raspberry tones and narrower segments, as I recall; it's very vigorous. Purple Lives I still have not seen at full clump strength. Its plant habit is much like White Eyes. I think that at time of introduction it did not get a lot of attention because of concerns that the name was not PC. Spunky Girls is wonderfully saturated with flowers nicely spaced and good height. Webster Girls has a nice flower, but is a big plant. And there's Still the One, an older cultivar that also has sturdy scapes with well-branched and abundantly spaced blooms. (I like it a lot.) So they all have attributes, but I think that people aren't that interested in purples anymore--at least, those that don't have fancy edges....See MoreRelated Professionals
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