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Is this table re-paintable?

I posted on this before but now can't search for old posts, so I'm posting again because I can't remember the advice in that thread. (mentioning in case this looks familiar...)

This table was originally stained wood, and the painter painted it for me when he painted this room. I believe he used an enamel coating -- if memory serves, it was BM Insl-X cabinet coating (but darn it that info is in the old post I can't find...). I do know it was sprayed on because he took it to his home and sprayed in his spray booth. Whatever it is he used, I hate the finish -- it looks very cheapy and plastic-y to me. So I want to re-paint it.

I think I can tackle this myself and finally have the time to do it, but I don't know the best way to go about it or if it's even possible with the coating that's on there now. How likely is it I will get a good result trying to pain over the enamel? What would that require in terms of sanding and prep work? I like the way a bathroom vanity came out that DH painted, he used BM Advance for that, so I'm thinking of using the same for this table.

(no my walls aren't pink, it's the reflection from the reddish log siding coming in through the window, no lights on in these pics)

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