What have you put up 2025
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what have you put up in 2013
Comments (150)Here are my totals to date: 7/9/13 - 10 half pts. strawberry jam (low sugar, Pomona pectin) 8/16/13 - 6 pts. strawberry lemonade concentrate 8/18/13 - 1 pt. peach butter (test batch - refrigerated only) 8/24/13 - 13 pts. jalapeño rings 8/24/13 - 5 pts. Roasted Tomato Garlic soup 8/25/13 - 9 pts. Roasted Tomato Garlic soup 8/26/13 - 9 pts. Roasted pickled red peppers 8/28/13 - 15 cups baba ganoush (frozen) 8/28/13 - 8 one & a half pints peach halves 8/30/13 - 12 pts. tomato sauce Going to have another go at peaches tomorrow. The first batch was rough going. I didn't start until 7 pm., and was kind of tired. I'm sure the peaches are edible, but they sure won't be winning any prizes at the state fair!...See Morewhat have you put up 2010 part three
Comments (110)Hi everyone, I am new to canning this year and having a blast!!! I hope everyone is welcome to join here? I started canning as a way to take the preservatives from my sons diet. ( He has ADHD) This year I have put up 23 pints salsa 7 quarts salsa 17 pints sweet relish 5 half pints sweet relish 8 pints cinnamon pickles 4 quarts tomato sauce 3 pints tomato sauce 12 pints peach butter 5 half pints peach butter 11 pints peach sauce 11 half pints papple butter (not misspelled, don't ask you wouldn't believe me. lol) 3 quarts papple sauce 2 pints papple sauce 11 pints triple berry jam 7 half pints triple berry jam 11 quarts apple sauce 9 pints apple sauce 5 pints strawberry preserves 7 half pints strawberry preserves Thank you for such a great forum to find information on. The lady at the extension office knows my voice already! lol...See MoreWhat have you put up 2019
Comments (229)Annie - we had a calf born yesterday at some point. I'm going over there this morning to check it out and take some pictures. Not sure if it's a boy or girl yet. We may need to bottle feed it with milk replacer until the mother starts producing milk. Our other 6 cows should be calving sometime in the next few months. Luckily for the calf the weather is and will be mild. It was in the low 50s yesterday and we are supposed to be in the upper 50s and low 60s all of this week. If the calf was born during the snowstorm last weekend it might have had a hard time. Hopefully the weather will be mild when the other calves drop. Question for you. How old should heifers be before they are bred the first time? We have 2 that are 14 and 16 months old now. Right now they are in a different pasture from the bull along with our 4 steer. Edit : I went over to check out the calf this morning. We threw some feed in the trough to bring the cows up to the fence. All of them came up except the new momma and the calf. They stayed about 75 yards away but the calf did stand up and then they both moved off even further away. The calf looked healthy and was jumping around and even running a little. They are so fun to watch when little! All we could tell is that it is mostly black with some white on its face. Going back over this afternoon and we will go in for a closer look and watch to see if it's feeding yet....See MoreWhat have you put up? 2023 version!
Comments (187)PM, I finally dug that dahlia root, it frosted here a couple of nights ago and it's supposed to be a low of 23F tomorrow night, just on time for the trick or treaters. Those balloon peppers were amazingly prolific, I have a bunch of them pickled, so thanks for those seeds! I planted my garlic a couple of weeks ago, thankfully, it's been raining here a lot too. I just canned 10 pints of strawberry sauce from frozen strawberries in the freezer that have been there over a year, and 6 quarts of brussels sprouts newly picked, blanched and frozen. I finished off the dill, also in the freezer on a sheet tray, I'll package that tomorrow. Beef is scheduled for slaughter next week, and I think that will be just about the end of this year's preserving. Good thing, I'm running out of jars, space and energy, LOL! Annie...See MoreRelated Professionals
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