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Help Kitchen desk!

last month

Here is a picture of our massive kitchen desk with built in wine rack and mail slots 😬. We have finished the kitchen other than this space. At this point we have decided we will not rip it out and start from scratch for a variety of reasons. So the question to make it look better do we continue the backsplash that is shown in the picture of the stove with hood? That would liven up the space is back splash there weird? Or would you put some framed pictures under the cabinet/above the desk on the wall? We will cover over the old cable and phone jacks. We can remove the small 4” black backsplash piece to make it look more current. Any other ideas on how to help make this less of an eye sore? What would you put in the large opening up top? I hate a lot of nick backs but tasteful, curated decor is lacking. My husband was talking about putting lighting in the glass cabinets. And possibly painting the back wall of the glass cabinets a dark color? I dunno if I want to highlight this piece. Any ideas are helpful. Thanks

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