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washing all-cotton sheets without having them get hopelessly wrinkled?

last month

A month ago I bought all-cotton sheets at IKEA. They are still sitting in their packaging in the laundry tub, because I don't know how to wash them without them getting hopelessly wrinkled. They are not permanent press: I think only part-polyester sheets can be. I like natural fibers next to my skin for summer.

I don't want to have to iron sheets. That would give me flashbacks to my childhood with my mom having to endlessly iron everything, including sheets: and me having to take over when she had to do something else, like make dinner. That task was screamingly dull (mom told me to recite my multiplication tables out loud when I said it was too boring), but the memory would be traumatic. I'll iron while sewing, but that's about it.

I find many of you have found solutions to these problems. Thanks in advance!

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