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Opening your garden to the public

last month

We are going to submit our garden to the Northwest Perennial Alliance Open Garden program. They want you to submit a description. Trying to describe the garden I run into my own feelings about saying, "Oh yeah this garden is so awesome you should take time out of your life to come and see it." It's a 25 year project on 5 acres, We have had successes, some by accident rather than planning, and lots of failures. We have beds and arrangements that I look at and think that doesn't really work. And others where I marvel and what the plants have done. There is a limit to the amount of time, energy and resources to work on them and they will be what they will be on the day.

I know people will come and some will be critical. My hope is that we can talk about the successes and failures and share a love of plants and the gardening experience.

If we get a date I'll post here if any of you are interested in coming to see it.


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