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What to Wear January 2025

15 days ago
last modified: 15 days ago

Can you believe it? I’m having trouble with those last two digits. Last year was a significant wardrobe turnover for me… a professional organized my closet, I pruned my clothing ruthlessly and added two colors to my wardrobe: a whole capsule in green and to a much lesser extent, burgundy. This may not sound like very exciting changes but for me they were HUGE. What changes have you made and what, if any, sartorial changes would you like to make in the new year?

adding, in the spirit of full disclosure here is my outfit for today, I have become my mother who thinks gold shoes are the key to an acceptable ”at home” outfit, lol. Warning, no makeup and I have not even combed my hair! This is not a resolution, just sheer tiredness from a lot of dancing last night

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