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Built-in Storage Area for Renovated Queen Ann

last month

We have the need for more storage space in our house and would like to to replace this bench with a storage unit. It will need to be built in b/c of the venting (under the bench). I cannot find anything that looks even remotely nice there that has legs to clear the vent and enough storage space. I was wondering if there are any ideas out there of what might look nice as a built-in in this space without crowding the small bathroom entryway under the steps and being considerate of the original staircase we kept when remodeling the house. It could be worth mentioning that the small bathroom you see to the right has a toilet that is wall mounted. The bathroom is teeny tiny, and the wall housing the plumbing ends about where the red line is on the picture facing us. I think I would like something a bit more modern there since our entryway to the home is original but the back of our house is a contemporary add-on to an 1880's Historic Queen Ann house.

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