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Shower room re-imagined

We are planning an unexpected bathroom renovation. We had a water leak issue in our shower room and will need to get it all ripped out. We felt this was an opportunity to re-imagine the space. We have lived in this space for five years and have not used the garden tub currently in place even once. Thus, we intend on taking out the garden tub to put an open shower based on some inspiration from a remodel in our neighborhood (see photo).

The previous space for our shower was in the same room as the toilet. Thus, we need help reimagining that space and how to best utilize it. We are getting rid of the garden tub and do not intend on putting a tub anywhere in the space, thus we would be looking to either expand storage, closet space, or even a washer and dryer. Any thoughts or considerations would be welcome as to how to reconfigure or utilize the vacant space that will be left after we rip out the old shower. Many thanks!

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